What this mod does is enable keys in custom dungeons to be visually put inside locks and then be taken out again without consuming the key. If you have ever played Dungeon Master 2 then you know what I mean.

How to install/use:
2) Add this line to your "init.lua" file found in: mod_assets/scripts
Code: Select all
import "mod_assets/scripts/keys_in_locks.lua"
Code: Select all
function playLock()
> B locks are used for wallsets with deeper "depth" to them such as the castle walls.
> The door locks fits best on dungeon doors and some mine doors.
> Use the lock_stone if you can't find a good surface to place your locks on.
--You may use and edit this mod in any way you like. crediting is not necessary but would be nice. --
This mod for Grimrock 1:
If you find any problems please report them to me.