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Well balanced game.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 3:30 pm
by FennerMachine
After playing LOG2 several times with various configurations, I must say that it is a very well balanced game.
It's possible to compete with almost any configuration, even a solo Farmer, although I haven't!

Solo is challenging but can be a chore. I've almost given up a solo attempt but will try again sometime. Using all four character slots seems to be optimum but is still a challenge for me on Normal and Hard.

I have found Easy, Normal & Hard to be exactly that.

The levelling system seems good too, making you choose between skills and not being able to make anyone over powered. I've found this in particular with my current team as I'm using a front line Battle Mage that I had great plans for. After a recalculation, I will need to make a choice between points in Armor or more in spells. Also Armor set bonus vs staff bonus. Nice!

Re: Well balanced game.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:50 pm
by any6
The game is indeed fairly balanced, some classes are stronger at the start though and wizard is fairly weak in comparison to the battle mage.

As for your BM, you don't really need armor skill. The amount of evasion you'll gain is usually insignificant.

Re: Well balanced game.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:38 am
by karadoc
I like the way the races and classes are balanced. There's a bit of variety, and no obviously super-powerful characters. Each class and races has particular strengths.

It does look like there are some imbalances in the skills though. I've only played through twice, so I might be mistakes - but from my point of view it looks like fire and air magic are both significantly more powerful than earth and water. Water's freeze effect is nice, but it doesn't work when you need it most (ie. the strongest enemies are immune to it; and so you're better off just using fire/air anyway). Earth is pretty much rubbish.

Similarly, there are three different skill branches for ranged attacks: throwing, missile-weapons, and firearms. All of them are essentially about just dealing damage, without any special effects - and there is no synergy between them. To me this seems like poor balance, because obviously you're just going to pick whichever branch does the most damage - and that seems to be throwing weapons. The only strategy reason to pick the others is that you might not have enough throwing weapons for multiple throwing characters - so maybe you should pick throwing on one and missiles on another. In any case it seems like a mistake, or a missed opportunity to have three skill sets which all effectively do the same thing with just a touch of different flavour...

Re: Well balanced game.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:56 pm
by trancelistic
I've noticed people tellign that posion bolt is pretty much useless since LoG1 but I have to disagree. I've play tested my dungeon and gave early level the poison scepter with a trained mage in earth. It is really really strong. Specialy if you freeze them with frost bombs. And the far plus point is. It uses way, way less mana points then fireball. Can cast alot more in fights.

In Log 2 I find ice magic the worst of all. I rather place a barrier on an enemy on 1 site while conered and trow a frost bomb the other side while posioning both of them.

BAck to the topic: Yes both LoG 1 and 2 are very nicely balanced.