Lack of news / Tributes

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Lack of news / Tributes

Post by Frenchie »

The home page latest news was 11 November, so I'm just wondering what the AH team is up to now?

From the LoG1 editor to LoG2 editor there are a huge amount of features added. Now that LoG2 has been released and the Mac version soon will be, what is the the AH teaming doing now? Are there more team members' twitter blogs to follow than just Petri? Are you guys still brainstorming about the new features of LoG3 or are you already working on LoG3?

Or is AH thinking about making something completely different? We like to know! Most likely LoG3 will be an open world where you can travel to cities, take quests to fight monsters in dungeons, etc. Every modder can create a quest and a place it on that map.

LoG1 was a tribute to Dungeon Master, but there must be more games that can get a tribute? The first game that comes into mind is Lords of Midnight. Eye of the Moon part 3 was never released. I would like to see it with your engine and 8-directional movement. I'm not sure what to call it as Lords of Grimrock is a bit over the top. Maybe there should be some survey to see which tribute is most welcome after Dungeon Master.

Edit : there seems to be a tribute to Lords of Midnight already at Frozen Empire named "War of the Soltice"

Coming back to he LoG3 editor. I think at the moment only a dozen or two experts in Lua can make good custom dungeons. What if the LoG3 editor is made it easier with certain libraries. Like you choose a feature like a switch combination, you enter the number of switches, doors, etc. and it creates a setup for you. You move the switches and doors to a proper location and you're done (simple example). Perhaps the same can be done for walls. You move bricks around, choose a texture and create a custom wall. (No, I didn't have Minecraft and the Sims in mind)

And please someone tell me when Wayside Creations will start airing their LoG web series...
Last edited by Frenchie on Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Frenchie wrote:Now that LoG2 has been released and the Mac version soon will be, what is the the AH teaming doing now?
They are right now working on LoG1 for iOS (it's beta just started) and LoG2 for Mac.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by petri »

Sorry for the lack of news! Like Dr. Disaster said we are quite busy with OS X and iPad versions. Blog update is coming, I promise :)
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Azel »

Frenchie wrote:LoG1 was a tribute to Dungeon Master, but there must be more games that can get a tribute?
Log1 is a tribute to more than just Dungeon Master. Their Blog lists a few games aside from Dungeon Master - such as Arx Fatalis and Ultima Underworld.

Re: Lack of news

Post by Ixnatifual »

Primarily it is a tribute to the Call of Duty franchise imo.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Ixnatifual wrote:Primarily it is a tribute to the Call of Duty franchise imo.
No, Medal of Honor!
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Re: Lack of news

Post by msyblade »

Oh come on. It is obviously an overt tribute to a Titanfall/Sunset Overdive hybrid.
Currently conspiring with many modders on the "Legends of the Northern Realms"project.

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Re: Lack of news

Post by Frenchie »

Log1 is a tribute to more than just Dungeon Master. Their Blog lists a few games aside from Dungeon Master - such as Arx Fatalis and Ultima Underworld. (and Eye of the Beholder)
I disagree and I played all of the above games. DM was the oldest among them and even UU and EotB were influenced by it. AF was intended to be UU3, but it came out 15 yrs later than DM so the graphics are way better. Hence LoG is a true tribute to the godfather of dungeon crawlers. It sells better if you name other titles in case people never heard of DM.
Frenchie wrote:Now that LoG2 has been released and the Mac version soon will be, what is the the AH teaming doing now?
They are right now working on LoG1 for iOS (it's beta just started) and LoG2 for Mac.
Like I said 'the Mac version soon', but isn't that mostly Petri and Taneli programming? AH's team has 3d sculpture/animation artists, scenario/game/level designers, audio effects/music artists, etc. Those could already be working on LoG3.

I did find the twitter accounts of Antti, Oli and Almost Human, but Petri's one is most informative.
Last edited by Frenchie on Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:15 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Batty »

No no no...thematically it's all Pole Position and the plot was clearly inspired by Make Trax. The artwork? Nice, but unfortunately all lifted from Battlezone.
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Re: Lack of news

Post by Anurias »

Frenchie wrote:
Log1 is a tribute to more than just Dungeon Master. Their Blog lists a few games aside from Dungeon Master - such as Arx Fatalis and Ultima Underworld. (and Eye of the Beholder)
I disagree and I played all of the above games. DM was the oldest among them and even UU and EotB were influenced by it. AF was intended to be UU3, but it came out 15 yrs later than DM so the graphics are way better. Hence LoG is a true tribute to the godfather of dungeon crawlers. It sells better if you name other titles in case people never heard of DM.
You disagree? I don't see anything there to disagree with. LoG 1 being a tribute to more than just Dungeon Master isn't a point of opinion, it's a statement of fact. Something being a tribute to something else is determined by the people creating the thing that is a tribute. AH states;

"What is Legend of Grimrock?
Old-school dungeon crawling game inspired by Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder and Ultima Underworld."

This can be found right here on this website which is AH's official website.

The amount of influence Dungeon Master had on any other games is irrelevant, the other games brought their own atmosphere, story, features, gameplay, etc. to the table and all of it combined is what inspired Legend of Grimrock, not just one game.
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