Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

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Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by lordovelix »

Now my minotaur have unlocked the skill chop. How does it work? How do i use them?
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by eharper256 »

There's just a random chance of it activating whenever you do that attack. Seems to be around 5% by my guess, but it gets more common as you level the skill (and you have more skills).
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by Curunir »

Yeah, I wanted to ask the same thing, skills kicking in randomly seems a bit silly, what if I miss on the swing that triggers the skill?

A bit of a crappy investment :D
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by eharper256 »

Curunir wrote:Yeah, I wanted to ask the same thing, skills kicking in randomly seems a bit silly, what if I miss on the swing that triggers the skill?

A bit of a crappy investment :D
I think it checks for the skill after checking for whether it hit. Could be wrong though. I wouldn't say they're a crappy investment, when they go off they're pretty strong; its just you can't count on them.
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by Mameluk »

It'd be fun if you could activate the skills yourself when you want to.
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by grecosenner »

Mameluk wrote:It'd be fun if you could activate the skills yourself when you want to.
I enjoy rolling for a chance to do special abilities. It's more D&D-esque, which is why I'm loving this game.
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by NakedGranny »

you get chances to proc all of your special attacks with that weapon per swing, and they do add up. they're massive damage, even if they aren't reliable on a per-hit basis, you can basically guarantee that one of your fighter types will get a few special attacks on a cave crab. even a single special attack seems to be better than the average critical hit (not sure whether specials can crit!)
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by Krotch ScroteGuzzle »

They are random but totally worth the investment, because they increase your damage massively.
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by Tenzek »

When you've pumped the skill high enough, they go off nearly every attack.
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Re: Skills like CHOP! How do they work?

Post by Kurguz »

I did not really tested it with pen and paper doing try after try but, it seems that this special atacks trigger more often when my Energy is high than when it's low, at least for me.
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