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FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:46 pm
after weeks of building and testing I just uploaded The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul.
(that thread is for normal playthrough discussion like riddle solving while this thread here is for modding discussion regarding The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul)
If you have problems with solving a puzzle, you can find the playthrough discussion thread here:
I also published the source files so that other modders can use them.
Of course after that much work I highly recommend that you play the campaign first before you ruin it for yourself by looking into the source files. ;-)
Main site:
Download: ... 3D18&pUp=1
Kind regards,
Re: FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'aru
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:28 am
by Drakkan
Long forgotten outpost room with 6 plates and six portcullis. I do not see any clues which plates to weight. help pls ?
Re: FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'aru
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:50 am
as this thread is about modding solutions, I've posted the answer here in the playthrough thread:
Kind regards,
Bug in The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:50 am
by Duncan1246
I am playing your mod and I have seen many interesting, some amazing, new ideas. However, I regret a lack of open spaces outdoor (for the moment), I feel some claustrophobia in yoor deep forests... Thanks to you, I understand now why some familiars animals can be horrifics (I hope I don't spoil...)
In Grimforest's undergrounds, I have encounter an unexpected problem, so this is the bug report:
=== Software Failure ===
#script_entity_88.script:4: attempt to call method 'castSpell' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
#script_entity_88.script:4: in function <#script_entity_88.script:1>
[string "Script.lua"]: in function 'sendMessage'
[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'triggerConnectors'
[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'callHook'
[string "FloorTrigger.lua"]: in function 'activate'
[string "FloorTrigger.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateComponents'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
I hope you can fix this problem
Re: FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'aru
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:59 am
>I feel some claustrophobia in yoor deep forests...
Then it's exactly how it's meant to be, afterall I never said you should feel comfortable facing an unknown danger ;-)
>#script_entity_88.script:4: attempt to call method 'castSpell' (a nil value)
This problem usually occurs when your game version is not up-to-date.
You need at least version 2.1.17. (see Requirements on )
This is also discussed in this thread:
Kind regards,
Re: FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'aru
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:16 am
by Mal85
So far I am enjoying it a lot Joerg! I have far to venture still, but your puzzles are quite fun and I was only mildly annoyed by the one in the pit you fall into early on. To the point that I read through the entire forum posting looking for the answer to beating it. Too no avail!

So I went back to the game and tried at it for several more minutes and got it finally! Well played sir! I am looking forward to the rest of the mod and can't wait to dive back in! Thanks again!
Re: FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'aru
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:36 pm
by Duncan1246
Thanks for your reply
Re: FILES The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'aru
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:00 pm
by TheStoryteller01
I just want to thank you not only for a great mod but also for making it available for the editor.
It gave me so much insight how to make things *actually* work in a mod.
Thanks a lot!