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Usable Item question

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:20 pm
by Blichew
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone found an option to make item with class UsableItem not disappear after use ? I'm thinking about something in the lines of boots of jumping, etc.
You click the boots and it moves party either: 1up-1forward or 2-forward.

I guess some kind of workaround would be setting emptyItem = main item.

On a side note - does anyone have experience with designing funny/interesting items that one wants to share :)? Just ideas, not exact scripts/definitions.

Re: Usable Item question

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:39 pm
by Prozail
if you simply return false from the onUseItem function, the object will not be removed.

Re: Usable Item question

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:55 pm
by Blichew
But I still can actually script the item effect on use, just return false in the end, right ?

Re: Usable Item question

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:41 pm
by Prozail
Yup, the whole script will still run, but the engine will think the onUse was blocked.