Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

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Grim Reaper
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Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Grim Reaper »

Did the diviners of game take hints from this rock Vid with WASP, so much similar, cool if its true.
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Azel »

Well before you ask people to sit through that homo-erotic version of GWAR, maybe pinpoint exactly which part you think LoG may have represented? Cause WASP did not invent the desert, nor night-time, nor fire, nor tribal gear. So... hmmm?? :D
Grim Reaper
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Grim Reaper »

Azel wrote:Well before you ask people to sit through that homo-erotic version of GWAR, maybe pinpoint exactly which part you think LoG may have represented? Cause WASP did not invent the desert, nor night-time, nor fire, nor tribal gear. So... hmmm?? :D
Please dont be a game developer protecting arse, I'm not asking anyone to do anything OK! You've obviously looked tough.
Its just a nice wee anecdote to the good developers here, everyone's influenced by something, nought wrong with that.

This is a good rock vid that by pure coincidence has bits of grimrock style in it IMHO, the way the band jump fwd in unison, the guitars shaped like weapons in game, the smoke, the fire, awesome ... we probably wont know now because of people like you wanting arguments.

Watch it again with fresh eyes.

Grow up ... fan boys, protecting who?

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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Azel »

I was not protecting anyone, learn to read. I was wondering how you could look at the desert in a WASP video and think, "wow there is a video game that uses a desert, wonder if that was it's inspiration" ... instead of realizing, "the desert has been around a lot longer than video games and WASP."

I could care less if the developers of Grimrock stole any ideas or even intellectual property itself. I would neither defend nor condemn it. What is in question here is your thought process in thinking that a WASP video would be source for anything related to the desert, fire, night-time, or tribes.

But instead of explaining your logic you end up pretending that I am defending Grimrock so that you can avoid explaining yourself and divert the issue by attacking me for something I didn't do. Nice try, infant.
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

huh it's hair metal :mrgreen:
Grim Reaper
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Grim Reaper »

PS: I mention this too, because I've seen a cool reference to Wilson the ball in a Tom Hanks movie "Cast Away" already, its not improbable there are other coincidences, intentional or not.

I swear wading through sometimes over protective sarcastic fan boys on forums is more difficult than fun problems in the game sometimes :roll:
Grim Reaper
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Grim Reaper »

Azel wrote:I was not protecting anyone, learn to read. I was wondering how you could look at the desert in a WASP video and think, "wow there is a video game that uses a desert, wonder if that was it's inspiration" ... instead of realizing, "the desert has been around a lot longer than video games and WASP."

I could care less if the developers of Grimrock stole any ideas or even intellectual property itself. I would neither defend nor condemn it. What is in question here is your thought process in thinking that a WASP video would be source for anything related to the desert, fire, night-time, or tribes.

But instead of explaining your logic you end up pretending that I am defending Grimrock so that you can avoid explaining yourself and divert the issue by attacking me for something I didn't do. Nice try, infant.
LOl, making a biggie out of it, your about 14, right, sorry
Grim Reaper
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Grim Reaper »

Azel wrote:I was not protecting anyone, learn to read. I was wondering how you could look at the desert in a WASP video and think, "wow there is a video game that uses a desert, wonder if that was it's inspiration" ... instead of realizing, "the desert has been around a lot longer than video games and WASP."

I could care less if the developers of Grimrock stole any ideas or even intellectual property itself. I would neither defend nor condemn it. What is in question here is your thought process in thinking that a WASP video would be source for anything related to the desert, fire, night-time, or tribes.

But instead of explaining your logic you end up pretending that I am defending Grimrock so that you can avoid explaining yourself and divert the issue by attacking me for something I didn't do. Nice try, infant.
I've explained myself very well, you are now looking the fool and digging a hole in sand, you attacked my innocent post for no other reason than self gratification, now its backfired, deal with it :)

Thanks for ruining my genuine post :roll:
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Azel »

The only thing you have explained is that you like it when men in leather jump through fire on a desert cause it reminds you of video games.

As for my age, I'm old enough to have lived through the horrid "hair band" years. And regarding a hole in the sand, sounds like you spent too much time watching that video. You haven't explained at all which specific aspects of the video cross-reference specific aspects of the game. You just dropped a terrible link and then pointed to men in tights.

If you can pull your hair-sprayed head away from your awful YouTube channel for a minute, you can learn how to properly compare and contrast.

Like this:

An accurate comparison of Grimrock vs the latest Gauntlet game.

So... which map location, scene, item are you referring to in Grimrock that is similar to your beloved WASP video? And which of those can be found in references, both musical and historical, that pre-date WASP?

Last edited by Azel on Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Do Grimrock folk like WASP?

Post by Batty »

ROFL this is hilarious, there are absolutely zero thematic similarities between that vid & Grimrock. That claim couldn't have any validity even if launched from a drug-induced hallucinating abstract dream-state.

Having said that, the chick in red is hot.:D
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