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Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:29 pm
by Jere
Hey guys, me and my brother made this website because we are fans of dungeoncrawlers and wish to help out people who are stuck with certain puzzles and such.
Check out for walkthroughs, help with puzzles etc.
Any feedback is welcome as it is a newly made site and there is still alot of WIP going on.
Anything you want us to add next on the site? Anything you have issues with layout wise or just wanna say hello? It's all appreciated.
I hope it helps!
Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:36 pm
by Sir Tawmis
Very cool site. Have not delved much into it, but I dig the lay out!
Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:39 pm
by Jere
Thank you sir!
I appreciate it

. Took a while to handle all the mapping and such. And im sure we are still missing alot of stuff, but we are quite busy with it

Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:41 pm
Great work!! Keep it up...

Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:09 am
by Brodie301
In your bestiary it says fire elementals can't be killed. Dispel works on them just like air. And pretty sure I've 1 shotted everyone I've hit. They are just fast and hard to get shot off. Also, I think you are missing Fire Guardian they spawn on castle roof battle.
Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:31 am
by Spathi
A fire elemental can be killed with something like a moderate heavy weapon, with for example cleave, devastate, or maybe even chop is enough... or two hits from a light weapons might even be enough if you have room to step back a bit.
Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:23 am
by Jere
Thanks alot for the feedback guys

, yeah i always had troubles killing those things in time. But i suppose i'm just not quick enough.
I will edit that part out
Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:04 pm
by leewroy
Very cool. Congrats, dude. I was missing a good faq for grimrock 2, seems that nobody uploaded one yet for

Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:05 pm
by rons
I find the house of braids advice failing at about 2 thirds into the advice. Great work though! And minor annoyance is when alt-tabbing into the site, the tab button seems to "browse" and highlight the topics so i keep losing track of where i was reading, not sure if its my browser that has gone bad though. Thanks again though!
Re: Legend of Grimrock II Walkthroughs Fanmade website.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:20 pm
by Jere
Thanks for the feedback rons

I will have a look at the house of braids and see if i can make it better
And thanks Leewroy

, glad to see people like it, great to know your work is appreciated.