Questions and comments
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:31 pm
Hello devs, hello fellow players.
First of all, thank you for an extremely satisfying game. Ever since the DM/EoB days, I have been craving for a good, quality grid-based dungeon crawler. You guys certainly delivered.
I have a few questions regarding the game as it is and the game as it might become.
1- I see in the FAQs that people blaze through this game in 10-15 hours. After 3 hours of gaming, I am tackling level 3. I take things slow, mind you, I love to fully explore and appreciate every new detail. Still, I would like to know: how many floors are there in the original release? Is there any reason to backtrack? I remember in Shining in the Darkness (Sega Genesis dungeon crawler), you used to revisit older floors after acquiring items that allowed you to access places you could not before. In other words, please tell me it's lengthy, this is something I'm in no hurry to see end.
2- Is there a spellbook I might have missed? So far I am guessing I need to remember every spell rune combo by myself but hey, doesn't hurt to ask.
3- Are there plans to introduce hybrid classes? I currently play with a warrior-warrior-mage-mage party because I just don't see the appeal of rogues as they are now. (Personal preference, I'm sure for other people they work great). However, were I able to create a character with some skills from a fighter and some from a rogue, it would be a totally different story.
4- I read that there is no level cap, but monsters do not respawn. Obviously, everyone should find their characters at the very same level when they complete the game, unless there are alternate ways of gaining XP? There is a finite amount of mobs, unless of course the rules change further in and you find say, a spawnpoint where monsters never stop pouring. This is why I decided to play two mages, I have this feeling that trying to learn all schools one a single character will limit me a lot and slow down the progression. With two mages, I get two specialists. (The question is therefore: are there other ways to gain XP?)
I love your magic system, it's just plain awesome. It's very much like DM/DM2 but a tad more intuitive. The fact that it's level based makes it a winner for me.
Browsing through the forum, I read that additional character portraits, quicksaves and quickloads are in the making so, no worries there.
I'll probably have more comments and questions as days go by but for now, this there should generate enough discussion with my fellow players!
Thanks again. Incredible game.
First of all, thank you for an extremely satisfying game. Ever since the DM/EoB days, I have been craving for a good, quality grid-based dungeon crawler. You guys certainly delivered.
I have a few questions regarding the game as it is and the game as it might become.
1- I see in the FAQs that people blaze through this game in 10-15 hours. After 3 hours of gaming, I am tackling level 3. I take things slow, mind you, I love to fully explore and appreciate every new detail. Still, I would like to know: how many floors are there in the original release? Is there any reason to backtrack? I remember in Shining in the Darkness (Sega Genesis dungeon crawler), you used to revisit older floors after acquiring items that allowed you to access places you could not before. In other words, please tell me it's lengthy, this is something I'm in no hurry to see end.
2- Is there a spellbook I might have missed? So far I am guessing I need to remember every spell rune combo by myself but hey, doesn't hurt to ask.
3- Are there plans to introduce hybrid classes? I currently play with a warrior-warrior-mage-mage party because I just don't see the appeal of rogues as they are now. (Personal preference, I'm sure for other people they work great). However, were I able to create a character with some skills from a fighter and some from a rogue, it would be a totally different story.
4- I read that there is no level cap, but monsters do not respawn. Obviously, everyone should find their characters at the very same level when they complete the game, unless there are alternate ways of gaining XP? There is a finite amount of mobs, unless of course the rules change further in and you find say, a spawnpoint where monsters never stop pouring. This is why I decided to play two mages, I have this feeling that trying to learn all schools one a single character will limit me a lot and slow down the progression. With two mages, I get two specialists. (The question is therefore: are there other ways to gain XP?)
I love your magic system, it's just plain awesome. It's very much like DM/DM2 but a tad more intuitive. The fact that it's level based makes it a winner for me.
Browsing through the forum, I read that additional character portraits, quicksaves and quickloads are in the making so, no worries there.
I'll probably have more comments and questions as days go by but for now, this there should generate enough discussion with my fellow players!
Thanks again. Incredible game.