I'm playing on my laptop and whenever I'm exploring the outside areas my game is really sluggish! Is there anything I can do to solve this?
The game works PERFECTLY on High when I'm exploring a dungeon and my laptop can run games like Borderlands 2 etc. no problem so I thought it would be able to run this game well!
I checked that other topic about the games performance but it confused me
CPU and RAM are ok but the GPU is very weak. It brings less then 50% of the requested minimum performance. All you can do is set the "Power Management Mode" inside the nVidia driver to "Maximum Power" and reduce options in the game menu i.e. with rendering mode set to "Low".
You're experiencing a CPU bottleneck. The game seems to only make use of a single thread, which is why the framerate can drop so much when outdoors. Nothing you can really do about it short of overclocking your CPU (which you can't and shouldn't do on a laptop).
cfisher2833 wrote:You're experiencing a CPU bottleneck. The game seems to only make use of a single thread, which is why the framerate can drop so much when outdoors. Nothing you can really do about it short of overclocking your CPU (which you can't and shouldn't do on a laptop).
Wrong. The CPU bottleneck effect only occures when LoG2 is forced to run on a single core CPU.
He runs an i7 M 620 (dual core plus HT option -> virtual quad core) and LoG2 makes use of multiple cores when it finds them.
His GPU is simply not able to keep up.
cfisher2833 wrote:You're experiencing cpU bottleneck. The game seems to only make use of a single thread, which is why the framerate can drop so much when outdoors. Nothing you can really do about it short of overclocking your CPU (which you can't and shouldn't do on a laptop).
Wrong. The CPU bottleneck effect only occures when LoG2 is forced to run on a single core CPU.
He runs an i7 M 620 (dual core plus HT option -> virtual quad core) and LoG2 makes use of multiple cores when it finds them.
His GPU is simply not able to keep up.
No, as I showed Log2's graphic core barely utilizes 1.5 core, is therefore not effective multicore despite spawning several threads and the engine can end in CPU bound situations. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=7088&start=80#p78084 .
To the OP in the thread ' log very low performance' also some tipps are given for improving the situation and there is the hope that the developers will fix this multiple times reported problem with the mac port.
cfisher2833 wrote:You're experiencing cpU bottleneck. The game seems to only make use of a single thread, which is why the framerate can drop so much when outdoors. Nothing you can really do about it short of overclocking your CPU (which you can't and shouldn't do on a laptop).
Wrong. The CPU bottleneck effect only occures when LoG2 is forced to run on a single core CPU.
He runs an i7 M 620 (dual core plus HT option -> virtual quad core) and LoG2 makes use of multiple cores when it finds them.
His GPU is simply not able to keep up.
No, as I showed Log2's graphic core barely utilizes 1.5 core, is therefore not effective multicore despite spawning several threads and the engine can end in CPU bound situations. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=7088&start=80#p78084
LOL @ "effective" ... try to assign .5 cores to anything ..
A more precise statement would be that LoG2 requires 1.5 cores to run well and since there are no half cores make that 2.
Your own screenshots prove that the CPU bottleneck effect only occures when LoG2 is forced into a single core. When you allow the game to have it's way so it can run on both your cores there is not CPU bottleneck.
FYI the OP's CPU is more powerful than yours. Look it up in rankings if you don't believe me.
Yet his GPU has less then 1/3rd the performance of yours; it's about the same as an Intel HD 3000 so there is very little he can do.
Dr.Disaster wrote:You're experiencing cpU bottleneck. The game seems to only make use of a single thread, which is why the framerate can drop so much when outdoors. Nothing you can really do about it short of overclocking your CPU (which you can't and shouldn't do on a laptop).
Wrong. The CPU bottleneck effect only occures when LoG2 is forced to run on a single core CPU.
He runs an i7 M 620 (dual core plus HT option -> virtual quad core) and LoG2 makes use of multiple cores when it finds them.
His GPU is simply not able to keep up.
No, as I showed Log2's graphic core barely utilizes 1.5 core, is therefore not effective multicore despite spawning several threads and the engine can end in CPU bound situations. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=7088&start=80#p78084
LOL @ "effective" ... try to assign .5 cores to anything ..
A more precise statement would be that LoG2 requires 1.5 cores to run well and since there are no half cores make that 2.
Your own screenshots prove that the CPU bottleneck effect only occures when LoG2 is forced into a single core. When you allow the game to have it's way so it can run on both your cores there is not CPU bottleneck.
FYI the OP's CPU is more powerful than yours. Look it up in rankings if you don't believe me.
Yet his GPU has less then 1/3rd the performance of yours; it's about the same as an Intel HD 3000 so there is very little he can do.
The point here is: even when log2 utilizes only 1.5 cores of 2 available it is not saturated Cpu wise but keepson scaling with more clock cycles, showing that log2 is not effective using the multicore ressources at hand. Which is unfortunate as multicore systems are standard and raises the question why AH recommends 4 core system , when only 37.5% of this ressources will be used.