SUPERTHREAD : Links to the helpful threads
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:28 pm
Here are a part of threads that seems to be helpful for modders. Don't forget that this thread is a depositary ^^
WIP - Modding - full of resources for LoG2 from the developers. BE SURE TO READ THIS STUFF
Scripting references thread - All questions you want ask about script references go there.
VIDEO - Skuggasveinn's Grimrock 2 Editor tutorials - Skuggasveinn made us wonderfull and usefull video tutoriels.
Ask simple questions, get simple answers - Additional repository of questions and answers from experienced modders. By NutJob.
WIP - Primitive assets definition reference - Awesome work from JohnWordsworth who find for us the basic assets definitions !
Basic Scripting and Editor Help - Some interesting tips for simple scripts from SnowyOwl47.
Advanced Scripting and Editor Help - A compilation of advanced scripts from SnowyOwl47.
List of components/methods - JKos searched for us the complete list of LoG2 componements and methods.
List of Weapons & Armors - NutJob identified all of them, and QuintinStone made a downloadable version.
List of scripting Party Hooks - JKos gives us a list of party hooks components.
List of conditions for Party/Champion - Prozail tested for us the LoG2 .setCondition. Use and abuse !
List of pre-defined sounds - Thanks to ninjanerdbgm who gives us all pre-defined sounds in LoG2.
Table of LoG 2 Editor Icons - Leki founded the editor's icons
Use it without moderation !
Table of LoG 2 Map Icons - Wants to have pretty map for your custom assets ? Doridion found Map icons for you.
LoG Framework 2 - Following of the legendary Framework for LoG, JKos worked for our GUI interactive pleasure !
ADDON - GreaseMonkey for scripting reference - Addon for firefox users that help a lot for scripting reference reading. By JKos.
Script loader - An external script ? JKos has found the solution.
Storing data to entities - JKos have realised our dream : Storing some datas in the entities ! Thanks to him.
VIDEO - Scripting tutorials - Prozail propose us some interesting and interactives video tutorials.
Combat log + VIDEO - Jgwman made a combat log script to let uss see how strong and fragile we are.
Permanent log - cromcrom wanted to remember his brave actions and tell us behind a beer. Now he can.
NPC script - mahric done it again ! His LoG1 NPC script is now converted to LoG2. Remember to install LoG2 Framework before.
Party Global Timer - A global timer following the party by JKos.
Equipped Items deterioration - cromcrom gives us a way to have more realistic equiped items.
Creating walls by script - Lark gives us how creating walls in-game by script.
Starting Items for Party - Another useful script to give your party some stuff at the begining of us adventure, by NutJob.
Real-time delayed scripts - Asked by DrKojak, some tips for functions/scripts activated with delay.
Long text scroll in front of the party - Spawning a scroll text to the party solved by Lark.
Test Stat against difficulty - cromcrom propose you to test your party against a difficulty. Will your team enough strong ?
Checking if spawned monster is dead - It is this question has answered Jouki !
Party exhaustion - cromcrom scripted that your group gets tired. Go sleep well champions.
Checking content of champion's inventory - JohnWordsworth has clerverly answered to this question.
Make multiple button/lever - Seeing double ? Not, 6x6 is better, and Lark prove it.
Your video in Grimrock - Skuggasveinn help us to integrate a video in our dungeon !
Autotrigger script - It's possible ! And JKos gives us how to do
DelayCall with parameters - Another helpful trick from JKos.
Elevator script - Boring to use stairs ? Get a ninjanerdbgm's elevator !
Changing party speed - Cromcrom propose to us to speed us.
Independant Day/Night cycles - Controling weather ? Easy with cromcrom !
OGDA depositary - OGDA made a little depositary of useful scripts like controling lights, spells, torch, etc.
New hooks - getHours and getMinutes - Becom the Time Master with JKos !
Dig for treasure - cromcrom and ninjanerdbgm find for us the solution to dig everywhere for treasures !
Force a champion to own the scroll before casting - Take care to have your scroll on you before casting. By Jhaelen.
Timer component to party - akroma222 find a solution to add timer to the party.
Copy or move entire areas of a level - Everything is in the title ! Thanks to MrChoke for it.
cloneObject for LoG2 - JKos made us a good job with adding LoG1 cloneObject, in LoG2 !
Increasing/Decreasing skill levels - akroma222 find an excelent way to add useful bonuses on your custom items/spells.
Opening door by putting item in an alcove - Thanks to Leki for giving the way.
Random lever movement to repeat - Blichew is not crazy, he just give live to our first love : The memory game. Put down the levers !
Dexterity puzzle - A simple static button on the wall ? Too easy to push-on. Thanks to Blichew for having changed
Key lock puzzle - Mysterious delivers us a based from keys puzzle script.
Path puzzle - "The Word of God. Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed." By GoldenShadowGS.
GUI tutorial - Little tutorial to how create a custom GUI, by JohnWordsworth.
EDI Tools - Leki done the work ... what say more ?
Cinematics - Fly-by camera - Awesome explanations from mahric for who wants doing cinematics with fly-by scenes.
Custom assets definitions - Blitchew's taken hard job to make a useful depositary of all assets definitions.
Making normal maps for your models - Leki made us an excellent tutorial to make our own maps for custom models.
WIP - Grimrock Model Toolkit 2 (MeshCraft) - JohnWordsworth done it again ! The GMT for LoG2 is in progress, be patient
Blender 2.71 Model Importer - bitcpy wrote a little python rigid importer for our models.
LoG1 Animations converter - Prozail made for us, an animations converter for LoG2 !
Model retexturing wiki - Made for LoG1, but works as well for LoG2. Thanks Leki to remember it.
Is party underwater ? - Useful definition of spell/potion for your flooded party. By sps999.
cloneObject for LoG2 - JKos wrote a little script that let us call back the cloneObject. Interesting to modify your assets.
ODS Old Style Dungeon - Light starting version of the Germanny's DM Wallset.
Dark Elf Temple - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Dark Temple - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Deep Dungeon - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Northern Dungeon - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Frozen temple - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Eleven Warrior.
CUSTOM CONTENT thread - Akroma made it ! Depository of the custom items/weapons/all-you-want, LoG2 thread ! Post yours in
Weapons definition - Prozail helped us to find the correct definition of weapons, gratz to him !
ITEM - Coins - Prozail made some stackable and textured coins for us.
ITEM - Hungry or thirsty ? Get some food - Doridion gives us a pack of food, beware of eggs ! ( Germanny original stuff )
ITEM - Ascension pack - cameronC created some interesting weapon pack.
ITEM - Extra Essences 1.0 - Bored about the only 4 original essences ? minmay created other ones with attached beacons.
ITEM - Books - Mutman created some books depositary for us.
Transform a chest into Mimic - How to better trap a chest than transforming it into mimic ? Asked by Jouki
Custom sounds - Want to have new sounds in LoG ? Lark gives us the solution.
Character skill points reallocation tome - Script by Jgwman to create a tome to "reset" your character's skill points.
Interactable items, Thickets giving branch - cromcrom made for us a thicket who's giving item !
Catchable tiny rats - JKos found solution to catch tiny rats ! Beark
Scroll of teleport - sps999 scripted a way to teleport your party with a simple scroll.
Explosive barrels - Lark made the first stuff, JohnWordsworth improved it.
Clickable doors - Doridion made it ! Want to open/close the door ? Just click on it
WIP - The MONSTERS thread - Grimfan made a depository of Old/New monsters in LoG. Good base of ideas for monsters's creators.
LoG1 Monsters - Manually importing LoG1 monsters in LoG2 ? Bah, just follow this trick, by Leki.
Bring on the snails ! - Prozail have begun the dance ! A fresh snail incoming, first cutsom monster, what else
Ice lizard is come back - sps999 closely followed Prozail and resurrected the Ice Lizard.
New spells (heal related mostly) - Darkness, resurrect, mass healing ? No problem, Jhaelen is there for you.
Magic Platform Spell - You're not flying, GoldenShadowGS just summoned a plate under your feets.
Secret Detector - Wants to know if there's a secret around ? GoldenShadowGS gives us a trick.
Fog of Darkness - Little too shiny dungeon ? Add a creepy fog by sps999.
Create custom portraits - JohnWordsworth answered that question and Jirodyne gives us a way to Potawan custom portraits. Many thanks to them !
WIP - Dawn of Lore - Leki is back and not smoothly. He begins hard for our pleasure.
WIP - The Lost Continent - You want to discover the New Continent ? cromcrom done it for you !
WIP - Eye of the Atlantis - New adventure with the Council of Conwill ? Ask to Drakan !
Pré - One Room Round Robin 3 - JohnWordsworth launch the third opus of the famous rooms ! Follow discussion and propose ideas.
WIP - Knightmare Remake - TSotP is making a pretty remake for us.
WIP - Link to the Past Tribute - Fan of the Zelda saga ? Welcome to the first stage of them in Grimrock ! By MadCatter.
Coming soon.
SOLVED - Exporting with external scripts - JKos gives us solution to load external scripts without exporting issues.
SOLVED - Hidden trapdoor - Skuggasveinn founded a solution to create hidden trapdoors without bugs.
SOLVED - Ghost item when spawning entity - NutJob revealed that spawning an item in an entity by script, make a "ghost" second one.
BUG - Item not in a map when placed in a slot - NutJob find a bug who prevent using an itme when it's placed in a champion's slot. Confirmed by JKos.
The LUA scripting page - Want to learn more in LUA programming ? Here is the best way !
Granting percent experience - NutJob made a script to grant percentage of experience to the party, based on the current level.
Color Conversion + Light Manipulation - Wonderfull script from NutJob to make lights color changing, fading off, etc.
Trigger a function based on direction travelled - NutJob plays with our party's nerves in this trap script.
Damage to party - NutJob scripted how cleverly divide damages onto your party.
Destroying objects in a position - NutJob made a new script who let us destroy object(s) on a position X,Y.
Before 2.1.15 release
Be warned against storing entity references in a script-wide variable. It actually cause issues and crashes.
More informations here.
If you didn't found some answer in the following links :
First, ask to the experienced modders on the Ask Question & get Answer thread made by NutJob.
Second, make your own thread.
Thrid, search on Google.
Fourth ..... bah, never gone to google
As we understand that Komag don't have enough time between his pretty tribe and his life to create/edit the traditionnal Superthread, I begin it and if somebody want take the following, he can ! xD
Forever in progress
WIP - Modding - full of resources for LoG2 from the developers. BE SURE TO READ THIS STUFF
Scripting references thread - All questions you want ask about script references go there.
VIDEO - Skuggasveinn's Grimrock 2 Editor tutorials - Skuggasveinn made us wonderfull and usefull video tutoriels.
Ask simple questions, get simple answers - Additional repository of questions and answers from experienced modders. By NutJob.
WIP - Primitive assets definition reference - Awesome work from JohnWordsworth who find for us the basic assets definitions !
Basic Scripting and Editor Help - Some interesting tips for simple scripts from SnowyOwl47.
Advanced Scripting and Editor Help - A compilation of advanced scripts from SnowyOwl47.
List of components/methods - JKos searched for us the complete list of LoG2 componements and methods.
List of Weapons & Armors - NutJob identified all of them, and QuintinStone made a downloadable version.
List of scripting Party Hooks - JKos gives us a list of party hooks components.
List of conditions for Party/Champion - Prozail tested for us the LoG2 .setCondition. Use and abuse !
List of pre-defined sounds - Thanks to ninjanerdbgm who gives us all pre-defined sounds in LoG2.
Table of LoG 2 Editor Icons - Leki founded the editor's icons

Table of LoG 2 Map Icons - Wants to have pretty map for your custom assets ? Doridion found Map icons for you.
LoG Framework 2 - Following of the legendary Framework for LoG, JKos worked for our GUI interactive pleasure !
ADDON - GreaseMonkey for scripting reference - Addon for firefox users that help a lot for scripting reference reading. By JKos.
Script loader - An external script ? JKos has found the solution.
Storing data to entities - JKos have realised our dream : Storing some datas in the entities ! Thanks to him.
VIDEO - Scripting tutorials - Prozail propose us some interesting and interactives video tutorials.
Combat log + VIDEO - Jgwman made a combat log script to let uss see how strong and fragile we are.
Permanent log - cromcrom wanted to remember his brave actions and tell us behind a beer. Now he can.
NPC script - mahric done it again ! His LoG1 NPC script is now converted to LoG2. Remember to install LoG2 Framework before.
Party Global Timer - A global timer following the party by JKos.
Equipped Items deterioration - cromcrom gives us a way to have more realistic equiped items.
Creating walls by script - Lark gives us how creating walls in-game by script.
Starting Items for Party - Another useful script to give your party some stuff at the begining of us adventure, by NutJob.
Real-time delayed scripts - Asked by DrKojak, some tips for functions/scripts activated with delay.
Long text scroll in front of the party - Spawning a scroll text to the party solved by Lark.
Test Stat against difficulty - cromcrom propose you to test your party against a difficulty. Will your team enough strong ?
Checking if spawned monster is dead - It is this question has answered Jouki !
Party exhaustion - cromcrom scripted that your group gets tired. Go sleep well champions.
Checking content of champion's inventory - JohnWordsworth has clerverly answered to this question.
Make multiple button/lever - Seeing double ? Not, 6x6 is better, and Lark prove it.
Your video in Grimrock - Skuggasveinn help us to integrate a video in our dungeon !
Autotrigger script - It's possible ! And JKos gives us how to do

DelayCall with parameters - Another helpful trick from JKos.
Elevator script - Boring to use stairs ? Get a ninjanerdbgm's elevator !
Changing party speed - Cromcrom propose to us to speed us.
Independant Day/Night cycles - Controling weather ? Easy with cromcrom !
OGDA depositary - OGDA made a little depositary of useful scripts like controling lights, spells, torch, etc.
New hooks - getHours and getMinutes - Becom the Time Master with JKos !
Dig for treasure - cromcrom and ninjanerdbgm find for us the solution to dig everywhere for treasures !
Force a champion to own the scroll before casting - Take care to have your scroll on you before casting. By Jhaelen.
Timer component to party - akroma222 find a solution to add timer to the party.
Copy or move entire areas of a level - Everything is in the title ! Thanks to MrChoke for it.
cloneObject for LoG2 - JKos made us a good job with adding LoG1 cloneObject, in LoG2 !
Increasing/Decreasing skill levels - akroma222 find an excelent way to add useful bonuses on your custom items/spells.
Opening door by putting item in an alcove - Thanks to Leki for giving the way.
Random lever movement to repeat - Blichew is not crazy, he just give live to our first love : The memory game. Put down the levers !
Dexterity puzzle - A simple static button on the wall ? Too easy to push-on. Thanks to Blichew for having changed

Key lock puzzle - Mysterious delivers us a based from keys puzzle script.
Path puzzle - "The Word of God. Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed." By GoldenShadowGS.
GUI tutorial - Little tutorial to how create a custom GUI, by JohnWordsworth.
EDI Tools - Leki done the work ... what say more ?
Cinematics - Fly-by camera - Awesome explanations from mahric for who wants doing cinematics with fly-by scenes.
Custom assets definitions - Blitchew's taken hard job to make a useful depositary of all assets definitions.
Making normal maps for your models - Leki made us an excellent tutorial to make our own maps for custom models.
WIP - Grimrock Model Toolkit 2 (MeshCraft) - JohnWordsworth done it again ! The GMT for LoG2 is in progress, be patient

Blender 2.71 Model Importer - bitcpy wrote a little python rigid importer for our models.
LoG1 Animations converter - Prozail made for us, an animations converter for LoG2 !
Model retexturing wiki - Made for LoG1, but works as well for LoG2. Thanks Leki to remember it.
Is party underwater ? - Useful definition of spell/potion for your flooded party. By sps999.
cloneObject for LoG2 - JKos wrote a little script that let us call back the cloneObject. Interesting to modify your assets.
ODS Old Style Dungeon - Light starting version of the Germanny's DM Wallset.
Dark Elf Temple - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Dark Temple - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Deep Dungeon - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Northern Dungeon - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Prozail.
Frozen temple - Originally by Daniv/Sutekh, converted by Eleven Warrior.
CUSTOM CONTENT thread - Akroma made it ! Depository of the custom items/weapons/all-you-want, LoG2 thread ! Post yours in

Weapons definition - Prozail helped us to find the correct definition of weapons, gratz to him !
ITEM - Coins - Prozail made some stackable and textured coins for us.
ITEM - Hungry or thirsty ? Get some food - Doridion gives us a pack of food, beware of eggs ! ( Germanny original stuff )
ITEM - Ascension pack - cameronC created some interesting weapon pack.
ITEM - Extra Essences 1.0 - Bored about the only 4 original essences ? minmay created other ones with attached beacons.
ITEM - Books - Mutman created some books depositary for us.
Transform a chest into Mimic - How to better trap a chest than transforming it into mimic ? Asked by Jouki

Custom sounds - Want to have new sounds in LoG ? Lark gives us the solution.
Character skill points reallocation tome - Script by Jgwman to create a tome to "reset" your character's skill points.
Interactable items, Thickets giving branch - cromcrom made for us a thicket who's giving item !
Catchable tiny rats - JKos found solution to catch tiny rats ! Beark

Scroll of teleport - sps999 scripted a way to teleport your party with a simple scroll.
Explosive barrels - Lark made the first stuff, JohnWordsworth improved it.
Clickable doors - Doridion made it ! Want to open/close the door ? Just click on it

WIP - The MONSTERS thread - Grimfan made a depository of Old/New monsters in LoG. Good base of ideas for monsters's creators.
LoG1 Monsters - Manually importing LoG1 monsters in LoG2 ? Bah, just follow this trick, by Leki.
Bring on the snails ! - Prozail have begun the dance ! A fresh snail incoming, first cutsom monster, what else

Ice lizard is come back - sps999 closely followed Prozail and resurrected the Ice Lizard.
New spells (heal related mostly) - Darkness, resurrect, mass healing ? No problem, Jhaelen is there for you.
Magic Platform Spell - You're not flying, GoldenShadowGS just summoned a plate under your feets.
Secret Detector - Wants to know if there's a secret around ? GoldenShadowGS gives us a trick.
Fog of Darkness - Little too shiny dungeon ? Add a creepy fog by sps999.
Create custom portraits - JohnWordsworth answered that question and Jirodyne gives us a way to Potawan custom portraits. Many thanks to them !
WIP - Dawn of Lore - Leki is back and not smoothly. He begins hard for our pleasure.
WIP - The Lost Continent - You want to discover the New Continent ? cromcrom done it for you !
WIP - Eye of the Atlantis - New adventure with the Council of Conwill ? Ask to Drakan !
Pré - One Room Round Robin 3 - JohnWordsworth launch the third opus of the famous rooms ! Follow discussion and propose ideas.
WIP - Knightmare Remake - TSotP is making a pretty remake for us.
WIP - Link to the Past Tribute - Fan of the Zelda saga ? Welcome to the first stage of them in Grimrock ! By MadCatter.
Coming soon.
SOLVED - Exporting with external scripts - JKos gives us solution to load external scripts without exporting issues.
SOLVED - Hidden trapdoor - Skuggasveinn founded a solution to create hidden trapdoors without bugs.
SOLVED - Ghost item when spawning entity - NutJob revealed that spawning an item in an entity by script, make a "ghost" second one.
BUG - Item not in a map when placed in a slot - NutJob find a bug who prevent using an itme when it's placed in a champion's slot. Confirmed by JKos.
The LUA scripting page - Want to learn more in LUA programming ? Here is the best way !
Granting percent experience - NutJob made a script to grant percentage of experience to the party, based on the current level.
Color Conversion + Light Manipulation - Wonderfull script from NutJob to make lights color changing, fading off, etc.
Trigger a function based on direction travelled - NutJob plays with our party's nerves in this trap script.
Damage to party - NutJob scripted how cleverly divide damages onto your party.
Destroying objects in a position - NutJob made a new script who let us destroy object(s) on a position X,Y.
Before 2.1.15 release
Be warned against storing entity references in a script-wide variable. It actually cause issues and crashes.
More informations here.
If you didn't found some answer in the following links :
First, ask to the experienced modders on the Ask Question & get Answer thread made by NutJob.
Second, make your own thread.
Thrid, search on Google.
Fourth ..... bah, never gone to google

As we understand that Komag don't have enough time between his pretty tribe and his life to create/edit the traditionnal Superthread, I begin it and if somebody want take the following, he can ! xD
Forever in progress