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Sleet Island - Philosopher Stones riddle

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:21 am
by Theotolax
Hi !
At the philosopher stones riddle (where it's necessary to push the stones on the orange glowing positions at Sleet Island) I think I'm stuck without having the chance to "reset" the stones in the original position. That means: making a mistake at the beginning of this riddle, prevents me from finishing the game, because I couldn't solve that part? Or is there any chance to get the stones back at their original position, (except loading a previous savegame, loosing progress in other areas of about three hours...)?
Yes, stupid me... :oops: :o(( any hints would be great - thanks!

Re: Sleet Island - Philosopher Stones riddle

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:54 am
by itsmemario
I do not really understand your problem. You have access and can push the stones in any direction. Maybe you didnt found some hidden button to open wall.

Re: Sleet Island - Philosopher Stones riddle

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:37 am
by PSY
Theotolax wrote:Hi !
At the philosopher stones riddle (where it's necessary to push the stones on the orange glowing positions at Sleet Island) I think I'm stuck without having the chance to "reset" the stones in the original position. That means: making a mistake at the beginning of this riddle, prevents me from finishing the game, because I couldn't solve that part? Or is there any chance to get the stones back at their original position, (except loading a previous savegame, loosing progress in other areas of about three hours...)?
Yes, stupid me... :oops: :o(( any hints would be great - thanks!
Hey Theotolax,

long time no see :mrgreen:

You don't need to reset the stones.
There's a hidden switch which opens the wall where the wooden box you can get past the stone.
Check out the map to see where the hidden button is: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7451

Have fun,

Re: Sleet Island - Philosopher Stones riddle

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:07 am
by Firderis
If you wanna see it with a video, here we go: Legend of Grimrock II Guide: Philosopher's Stone (deutsch)

As it's written, the commentary is in german. Just switch it off :D

Re: Sleet Island - Philosopher Stones riddle

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:47 am
by Sir Tawmis
I had the same "issue" you had (when I first did it) - I thought I messed up and trapped a stone.

But the clue PSY has in his spoiler is what you need.

Re: Sleet Island - Philosopher Stones riddle

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:27 pm
by Theotolax
Hey folks!

@all of you: Thank you so much being patient with somebody missing such a HUGE button :roll:

@ PSY: Glad to read ya :D You keep the high quality from Grimrock 1 in your new "walkthrough" Respect :mrgreen:

@ Sir Tawmis: it's good to meet somebody who admits having encountered the same problem and is willing to help, thank you!

@ Firderis: Nice videos - keep going! Thanks.

It took only a very short time, til I received useful hints, that's why I "adore" this forum!

Keep gaming!
