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Is this party viable?
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:24 pm
by happyemi
Hey guys,
I'm preparing for my second playthrhough. The first time I didn't finish the game (last time I played it was 2 years ago...) so let's see if this is the right time.
I'll play on normal and I'm not interesting in power playing: just have fun by having some variety in the team (so, no 4 rogue/minotaurs party

This is what I come up with so far:
Front line:
1) Human Warrior, skilled in Maces and Armor (maybe 10 points in Athetics as well)
2) Lizard Rogue, skilled in Dodge and unarmed combat (maybe 8 points in Assassination as well)
Back row
3) Minotaur Rogue, skilled in missile weapons and dodge.
4) Insectoid Mage, skilled in Ice magic and Spellcraft (and another school of magic as well... I'm a bit undecided between fire and air).
Do you think this party is "good enough" to beat the game on normal? Any suggestions?
Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:03 am
by Callipygous
Thats a pretty potent group. You wouldn't(shouldn't) have a problem on max difficulty with that comp; on normal it'll be plenty fine.
Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:51 pm
by Rodpulsar
This is the exact party races and classes I finished the game with. However I did :
- Warrior used armor (heavy) and Unarmed (personal choice, I remember Best game weapon is a Mace tho, to be verified)
- Rogue used Light Armor and Daggers + Assass
- Mino Rogue used Throwing and Dodge (and Kept Skulls for increasing damage)
- Mage used Ice, Spellcraft and Air (I always play Ice and Air but anything might be good if you have at least Spellcraft)
I had a blast with that team, too bad I couldn't transfer it to LOG2. However I played the EOB2 custom dungeon remake with it and had a second blast lol
Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:03 am
by Mr.Grocki
Happyemi and Rodpulsar:
I'm about to begin LOG1 and I'd like to start with the party you describe.
I started setting it up yesterday but couldn't see how to duplicate your configurations.
For example "Lizard Rogue, skilled in Dodge and unarmed combat (maybe 8 points in Assassination as well)"
I couldn't see 'Dodge' anywhere, nor 'Assassination'.
Would you mind providing a little more detail on the settings you used?
It would be most helpful as I'm just a beginner with this great game

Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:58 pm
by happyemi
It's pretty straightforward. Just start the game, select new game and then check the "create party" option. You'll be able to create custom characters at that point.
Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:45 pm
by Geordyjones
Let me ask you this: do you consider an all-Rogue party overpowered? (Because you mentioned it in your first post.) Im currently on my first playthrough with this party and im struggling a lot. Maybe the uberness will come with time, hehe.
Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:33 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Geordyjones wrote:Let me ask you this: do you consider an all-Rogue party overpowered? (Because you mentioned it in your first post.) Im currently on my first playthrough with this party and im struggling a lot. Maybe the uberness will come with time, hehe.
It depends on what you're rogues are doing.
Once you got the guns and enough ammo 2 throwers in front and 2 missle users in back make top damage dealers.
Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:40 am
by Geordyjones
Wait what? Guns? I am talking about Grimrock 1, are you, too?

Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:37 pm
by Dr.Disaster
Geordyjones wrote:Wait what? Guns? I am talking about Grimrock 1, are you, too?

heh i meant anything that shoots stuff

Re: Is this party viable?
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:24 pm
by Geordyjones
Seriously though I invested 12 points into assassination on all my rogues from the get-go just to reach the Reach (got it? hehe) Attack on all my good ladies and gents. Was it all wasted? Should I have gone for the Missile/Thrown Weapons on all of them? Surely there
must be an advantage to the melee weapons? Im a little afraid of the final encounter with the boss. I hear melee is a bad idea vs. it...