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Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:05 pm
by quadgamer
I was excited for this game. I bought it because, of course, I figured it would be like the original. Being disabled, I can't use a mouse, so I use the mouse keys. It was no problem with the original Grimrock. But with 2, for some reason I can't just right click for combat. I have to press "0" then ".", "0" is hold "." is release. Why was it made this way? Can it be fixed?
Re: Controls
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:41 pm
by 2_hype
Make a keyboard macro.
Re: Controls
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:53 pm
by quadgamer
2_hype wrote:Make a keyboard macro.
I will if I have to. But macros don't always respond quickly, and AH can fix it. It's a matter of do they want to & will they? I play a few MMOs & have posted on their forums. I'm not the only person that uses the mouse keys. It won't interfere with the game or game play at all. I hope they read my post and understand that the issue isn't big for them but it is for me & people like me. Thanks.
Re: Controls
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:10 pm
by Dr.Disaster
quadgamer wrote:I was excited for this game. I bought it because, of course, I figured it would be like the original. Being disabled, I can't use a mouse, so I use the mouse keys. It was no problem with the original Grimrock. But with 2, for some reason I can't just right click for combat. I have to press "0" then ".", "0" is hold "." is release. Why was it made this way? Can it be fixed?
LoG1 character hands had only two functions, one for each button:
- equip/unequip (or swap with something held on the cursor) with left click
- attack with right click
LoG2 character hands have more than one function per button:
- equip/unequip (or swap with something held on the cursor) with left click -> same as before
- attack with right click -> same as before
- spell draw start with holding any mouse button (left or right) down
- spell draw end with releasing the same mouse button again
- special attack build-up start with holding right mouse button down
- special attack release with right mouse button release after build-up is complete
According to the Mouse Keys doc on Wikipedia you have to press "5" to do a click, press "0" to hold a button down and press "." to release that button again. LoG1 used only click but LoG2 makes use of all three functions (click, hold, release) for vital combat mechanics so you'll have to adjust to that.
Re: Controls
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:42 pm
by quadgamer
Ah okay. I didn't know that. I can do it, it's just going to be harder. I'm wondering if it can be added as an option? Like opting out of using draw & build up. Something like Old School Mode in 1 but for controls.
Re: Controls
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:12 am
by Dr.Disaster
quadgamer wrote:Ah okay. I didn't know that. I can do it, it's just going to be harder. I'm wondering if it can be added as an option? Like opting out of using draw & build up. Something like Old School Mode in 1 but for controls.
It "can" be added for sure but that is extremly unlikely.
Re: Controls
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:16 am
by quadgamer
Very true. Thought I'd say it in case someone from AH reads this and feels they'd like to be a part of the handicap society. Like I said, "we" play games too. Thanks again.