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just thank you
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:27 pm
by Ashina
Hi and to the team Grimlock,
my english is not the best I apologize for this!
I wanted to thank the developers for this game !!!
I am now 37 years, and had as good as any game held in the hands of what the past decades came out.
Well not all, but summarizes each
I am a huge fan of dungeon crawlers, since that time I played Eye of the Beholder for nights with my well-known as well as Lands of Lore, Dungeon Master and many others.
I just wanted to thank you, I look forward to the morning like a little kid on Christmas, this is the first time in almost 20 years that I have so long been waiting for a game.
Many thanks !!!!
and many greetings from Berlin

Re: just thank you
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:45 pm
by Dhomochevsky
I feel the same Ashina, and my english is bad too but is not important to say thanks to AH team

I'm sure i can't play with LOG2 because my graphic card is lower than minimum requirements (only 512kb and 8500gt, my pc is very old now) but i buy the game anyway. Perhaps not now but when i buy a new computer i can play with this little jewel. This is my small contribution
Greetings from Spain

Re: just thank you
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:46 pm
by glyn_ie
Aye. You know I wanted this game (Legend of Grimrock series) before they even made it. More than that though, I've come to have a lot of respect for the developers; I've been very impressed by the quality of the game and their skills, but also with their commitment and the level of support I've seen them provide to people. I think it's a rare thing nowadays.
Anyway, for me it was Stonekeep (DOS), Dungeon Master II (DOS) and Arcana (SNES) which got me into the genre.
Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:16 pm
by Tiraon
I only discovered an played LoG recently, so I would also say thank you for this game(s), especially since AH is one of the very few developers developing dungeon crawlers and the only one to release one recently(that I know of), though they are very good at it
So thank you AH
Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:09 pm
by petri
Thank you for the kind words! The past four years culminate today as the biggest and most complex game we have ever been part of is launched (even counting our past projects in other studios). We are very thrilled and excited. Can't wait to hear what you think about the game.
Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:45 pm
by Eldur
I've seen 8 episodes of a Let's Play ( ... b7cbPtgUQz) and for me it looks like an 11/10 title.
But now I'd rather like to play it myself, but have to wait like 4 or 5 hours...
Did a preorder even before the news mail came in
And I also preordered it on two days ago, just because it's worth it
= Thanks a lot for this great series

Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:46 pm
by Ixnatifual
My main problem with the game so far is how greyed out its name is in my Steam library.

Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:53 pm
by Paul
petri, I would also like to say thank you, to you, and the entire AH Team. LoG1 was excellent. Between the game, the editor and the custom dungeons, I've clocked well over a thousand hours of game play. I look forward to another thousand with LoG2. I have to leave for the office now, but I did read a couple early reviews and find that I can not wait for this evening to come soon enough. Again...Thanks! - Paul
Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:20 pm
by petri
Eldur wrote:I've seen 8 episodes of a Let's Play
I really think the game is better the less you know about it in advance. Just my personal advice: do not watch any Let's Play videos if you are already committed to playing the game yourself.
Re: just thank you
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:45 pm
by Eldur
Was like a sneak peek for me... I'll continue watching it as soon as I've played further into the game myself

And of course, it's hard to resist

I don't think it matters that much to see the first one or two hours, as I compare this to playing a demo (in the old holy times of dungeon crawlers, we still had these), reading (p)reviews and seeing the game at friends' prior to fetching a copy