Compatibility test

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Compatibility test

Post by cromcrom »

It works fine for me. I love the art , and music in epic and inspiring. Duuuuude, those are gonna be 6 long days...
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by Diarmuid »

Installs perfectly well here too.
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by Custode »

The test runs perfectly fine for me as well, also, I don't know how relevant it is, but I have managed to squeeze up to 85 fps with Vsync disabled on a gtx 560 ti on the highest settings, hopefully the full game will not go below 60 fps too often.

Just like cromcrom has already said, the music is awesome, I had to listen to it twice! Can't wait to start playing!
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by minmay »

Works great for me on Wine 1.7.18 (yeah yeah I know I need to update), both fullscreen and windowed. grimrock.log contents:

Code: Select all

=== System Info ===

Game Version:       2.1.3
Computer name:      <REDACTED>
CPU Vendor:         AuthenticAMD
CPU Brand:          AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor             
OS Version:         5.2
OEM ID:             0
Physical CPUs:      6
Logical CPUs:       0
Page Size:          4096
Total Mem:          7887 MB
Free Mem:           5433 MB

=== GPUs ===

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Device string: X11 Windowing System
State flags: 00000015

=== Settings ===

Render Engine:      d3d9
Audio Engine:       xaudio2
Steam:              false
Resolution:         1920 x 1080
Display Mode:       fullscreen (1)
Vertical Sync:      disabled (1)
Texture Resolution: high (3)
Texture Filter:     anisotropic (3)
Shadow Quality:     high (3)
SSAO Quality:       high (3)
Rendering Quality:  high (2)
Difficulty:         normal
Oldschool Mode:     false
Tested on a very recently obtained GeForce GTX 750 Ti, with the default clock speed of 1450 MHz.
I can't figure out a way to get it to show FPS (the debugInfo setting doesn't seem to do anything) but with those settings my GPU utilization hovers around 70-75% if I cap FPS at 60 and it definitely wasn't dropping below 60.
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Tobias Reach
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by Tobias Reach »

Music was definitely great. Slightly OT, does anyone know if they've said anything about including an mp3 of the title track with the game like they did for the first Grimrock? Back on topic, running smoothly on my machine as well.
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by FlashSoul »

If a dev reads this :
maxFrameRate probably shouldn't be 120 by default. Or at least ignore it with vsync on because on 144hz monitors it fails to reach 144 fps so it has to fall back on 72 fps.

Also, to add some more information to the topic : I get around 175 FPS on my GTX770 + i5-4570.
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by Dr.Disaster »

FlashSoul wrote:If a dev reads this :
maxFrameRate probably shouldn't be 120 by default. Or at least ignore it with vsync on because on 144hz monitors it fails to reach 144 fps so it has to fall back on 72 fps.
Usually people who always go for the newest hardware trend - like 144+hz 3D displays - know that they have to tweak stuff to get optimal results.
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by FlashSoul »

Dr.Disaster wrote: Usually people who always go for the newest hardware trend - like 144+hz 3D displays - know that they have to tweak stuff to get optimal results.
Perhaps, but I don't think it's a good reason to make it more of a hassle than it has to be. It's not like it would actually hurt to have the variable default 24 points higher. I'm actually not convinced the game needs a framerate cap by default (with vsync off of course) unless some parts of the engine start going bonkers above a certain limit (which might be 120 here? I hope not).
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by dbarron »

I had odd behavior. It failed to run on initial invocation, with a windows troubleshooter error. Second time, it ran seemingly flawlessly and everything came up with my default resolution (1920x1080), everything on high.
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Re: Compatibility test

Post by Neutronium Dragon »

FlashSoul wrote: I'm actually not convinced the game needs a framerate cap by default (with vsync off of course) unless some parts of the engine start going bonkers above a certain limit (which might be 120 here? I hope not).
The 120 FPS limit was put in place post-release on LoG1, and coincidentally, that was also when budget power supplies stopped blowing while people were playing the game.

Not so much of a problem if you have a proper gaming system with a solid power supply, but there are a lot of people who don't.
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