LoG2 Editor features and modding

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LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by Leki »

Hi guys,
please, can you share your plans for next days/weeks until game is released especially in modding area?
For sure - I look forward for the LoG2 although I haven't finished yet the first game (my party is still waiting at start of the prison, ready to beat the big evil one...). The reason is simple. I left the game unfinished because I found playing WITH the game and tools far more fun. In comparing to the 20 gameplay hours I spent in dungeons of LoG 1 (and it was great time!), I spent in game editor over additional 1000 hours... Well crazy number, but the positive thing is that I'm not alone in this madness :twisted:

I wanna to say only that it will be great if you share not only info about the game itself, but also about tools you plan to release with it. I mean screenshots or some video from new editor, editor feature list, info about final structure of composite based assets, 3rd side script editor support... you know what I mean. It's really part of your product and you have a lot customers which are looking forward for this "part of the game" as well as for a gaming of Log2.

It will be great if LoG2 part of the forum will be extended with modding section as LoG1 is, so we can start discuss there about new possibilities you give to us ;)
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by antti »

Yeah, there will definitely be a modding section on the forums (as well as tech support and gameplay hints) when we get closer to launch. :)

And, uh, I don't know where to start talking about the changes to the modding side of things since the changes are quite numerous and we have been working on this for such a long time now that I can't really even remember what is new :D.

Here's a few things that spring to my mind:
- component system, which enables modders to define new objects much more flexibly and a more fine grained access in inspector and for scripting
- interface and usability improvements (zooming, entity search+select, rotate level)
- new tile-system (levels don't have strict wallsets anymore, instead you can use multiple different tiles in a level)
- support for external script files (I haven't used it in ages, I hope it still works)
- tons of new scripting functions and methods

Anyways, I'm probably forgetting a lot of stuff... This sounds like a good topic for a blog post, let's hope we'll have time to write one up :)
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by Phitt »

Will there be any kind of import/export tool available or will it be like Grimrock 1 (you provide information about the file types etc and the community...which means John Wordsworth...has to code the tools)?
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by petri »

The file formats are almost exactly identical. Afair, only the animation format has changed a bit and I'm sure Mr. Wordsworth can add support for it very quickly :)
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Very excited to see the new Dungeon Editor. The component system alone is going to make so many things much easier, which means that modders will spend less time trying to implement features in a hacky-way and will have more time to make their mods even better :)

@Phitt: I've been working on a cross-platform C++ version of the GMT using C++/FBX SDK/Assimp. I'm hoping to have a version ready as close to release as realistically possible! It'll have a few new features - like having a better preview window (with proper specular/normal mapping) and being able to watch a folder and automatically convert files as you export them. To be honest, all of the 3D and supporting new file-formats are the easy bit... Trying to come up with a decent UI is the hard bit!

@Petri: Great to hear the formats haven't changed much. Should be very quick and easy to add support for a new format.
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by Phitt »

That sounds great! I'm really, really excited to finally do some modding again. And yes, I'm very much looking forward to the component system as well. No more hax needed to implement animated objects that aren't doors or buttons or to add sounds to an object etc etc.
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by petri »

Just something to whet your appetite 8-)

Code: Select all

	name = "animated_thingy",
	components = {
			class = "Model",
			model = "assets/models/env/thingy.fbx",
			class = "Animation",
			animations = {
				doTheTwist = "assets/animations/env/thingy_twist.fbx",
			onAnimationEvent = function(self, event)
				if event == "bang" then
			class = "Sound",
			sound = "hum_looping"
			class = "Obstacle",
			hitSound = "barrel_hit",
			hitEffect = "hit_wood",
			class = "Health",
			health = 15,
			immunities = { "poison" },
			spawnOnDeath = "broken_thingy",
			class = "Controller",
			onActivate = function(self)
	placement = "floor",
	editorIcon = 120,
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Looks awesome! Appetite most definitely whetted (or just "whet"?).
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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by Leki »

petri wrote:Just something to whet your appetite 8-)

Yeah! Give us more, man! We wanna to see onThing definition! Show to us the script of that green "over-cell" jumper we saw at 1:10 of the trailer :D

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Re: LoG2 Editor features and modding

Post by whackangel »

So, it's going to be the same soft to edit dungeons in LoG2 or will there be an up-date, or a new soft... aaarg too many questions, so much excitment !!!
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