please, can you share your plans for next days/weeks until game is released especially in modding area?
For sure - I look forward for the LoG2 although I haven't finished yet the first game (my party is still waiting at start of the prison, ready to beat the big evil one...). The reason is simple. I left the game unfinished because I found playing WITH the game and tools far more fun. In comparing to the 20 gameplay hours I spent in dungeons of LoG 1 (and it was great time!), I spent in game editor over additional 1000 hours... Well crazy number, but the positive thing is that I'm not alone in this madness

I wanna to say only that it will be great if you share not only info about the game itself, but also about tools you plan to release with it. I mean screenshots or some video from new editor, editor feature list, info about final structure of composite based assets, 3rd side script editor support... you know what I mean. It's really part of your product and you have a lot customers which are looking forward for this "part of the game" as well as for a gaming of Log2.
It will be great if LoG2 part of the forum will be extended with modding section as LoG1 is, so we can start discuss there about new possibilities you give to us