Linux Version?

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Linux Version?

Post by Boeroer »


I'm a bit disappointed that only requirements for Windows are published.
Does that mean there's no Linux Version from the start (October 15th)?
Would be a pity, since I play LoG 1 on Linux - and it works like a charm.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by Boeroer »

I would love to preorder at in order to support AH - and the steam key would guarantee that I can install a Linux version later (if it ever will be released).
But what should I do with the standalone Windows version?
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by petri »

Grimrock 2 will be available on Windows at launch. We want to make the game as good as possible first, then we can think about other platforms.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by Boeroer »

It's ok - if there will ever be a Linux version. :-)
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by eNTi »

petri wrote:Grimrock 2 will be available on Windows at launch. We want to make the game as good as possible first, then we can think about other platforms.
you didn't design grimrock with multi platform in mind? i mean your dependency on dx speaks volumes. i'll probably still get it just because you offer it drm free on your site and i appreciate you releasing grimrock 1 on linux.

still want to voice my disappointment that you don't offer linux support on release.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by Boeroer »

Damn! I preordered... :)
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by thomson »

eNTi wrote:
petri wrote:Grimrock 2 will be available on Windows at launch. We want to make the game as good as possible first, then we can think about other platforms.
you didn't design grimrock with multi platform in mind? i mean your dependency on dx speaks volumes. i'll probably still get it just because you offer it drm free on your site and i appreciate you releasing grimrock 1 on linux.

still want to voice my disappointment that you don't offer linux support on release.
Wasn't that also the case with LoG1? As a developer myself, I strongly support AH's decision to go with the most popular platform that gives them the most exposure to user-base. As such, I think that questions about Linux, Mac or Oculus Rift are a bit premature at this stage.

But I'm optimistic. They did excellent job with the LoG1 engine. Obviously, I didn't see the source code, but it started as Windows/DX only, but was later ported to Linux, Mac and got the OpenGL capability. Supporting multiple platforms is pain in the ass, especially in the initial release when many patches and frequent updates are expected. Once the dust settles down, then it will be a good time to think about other platforms.

No, I'm not a Windows fanboy. I'm writing from Linux. I develop my own portable software on many platforms, including Win, Linux, Mac, BSDs and Solaris. I played LoG1 on Windows, Linux and Mac and enjoyed every single moment of it.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by Boeroer »

I just thought that they gathered enough experience with the Linux version of LoG 1 so that LoG 2 would be released for Linux from the start.
But I totally understand the decision. I'm a developer myself by the way.

Sooo... my wife owns a PC running Windows 7... man - more begging... ;-)
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by minmay »

According to the system requirements listed for Grimrock 2 you only need DirectX 9.0c, so it should be pretty easy to get it running in Wine with native performance; worked fine for Grimrock 1 on release and there have been 2.5 years of Wine improvements since then. Obviously native Linux/OSX versions would be best and most convenient, but I fully intend to be playing Grimrock 2 on Linux within a few days of release.
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Re: Linux Version?

Post by e8hffff »

Just note I purchaed LoG2 Windows but prefer Linux Version. I will have to play on Wine. In future don't statistically mark me as a Windows sale!
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