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Legend of Grimrock Guide (Book)
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:41 pm
by Sir Tawmis
Is there a book out there that's been published (hard copy) for the Legend of Grimrock guide?
Love those kinds of books that have little tidbits about the game and such.
Re: Legend of Grimrock Guide (Book)
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:02 pm
by Isaac
They should have published an old-style Clue-Book, like the one you could get for Eye of the Beholder.
Perhaps they might for LoG2; or perhaps just as a PDF.
Re: Legend of Grimrock Guide (Book)
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:37 pm
by Sir Tawmis
I think that'd be awesome if they did. I know a lot of sites all have that info out there. But once book that has it all would be nice!
Re: Legend of Grimrock Guide (Book)
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:52 am
by Mr.Grocki
OK, it's 27 months after Sir Tawmis' post about the Guidebook idea, but I reckon it'd be a go-er as a downloadable PDF.
Maybe the content could be added by registered LOG members, like a Wiki-ish kind of thing? And maybe, downloaders would have to contribute a coupla dollars?
I dunno. I can only say I paid $5 to get the Dungeon Siege (extremely comprehensive) guide, way back then

Re: Legend of Grimrock Guide (Book)
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:52 am
by Sir Tawmis
I'd easily drop 5 bucks for a LOG Guide that was at least 100 pages, with maps, secrets, spells, etc if it was all official and stuff!