I totally agree

The 4'ish hours I've gone thru' have been really good!
I've never played D&D or any Dungeon Crawler like this before, so I'm ofc very noob'ish when it comes to stats and skills!
There's a couple of mobs that needs a little re-tuning imo, unless you're a quick-saver, you run into problems sometimes!
- And the Mage could use a little hint towards the beginning, liek - only skill 1 magix!
'Cause I just said; Ahh! He's gonna be liek! Air, Earth and Fire! - Turns out you need liek atleast level 3 in order to cast anything, so he was quite useless
But yeah.. I gotta go back, cause this game is baaller, son!
Cannot wait to see some mod-tools for peepz to make their own maps and deffo some DLC
Ps. Your 1 song in there is really lonely, please add some more! 'Cause the song on the title screen is Kick-ass!