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Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:48 pm
by oOldXman

... I have been waiting for this game while staring at countdown times for many long hours. Finally, today I had a chance to play. After not even a full one hour! I could not play anymore due to insane pain in my eyes and inside of my skull. I had some rest, however surroundings are still spinning around me. I spend most of my life in front of a monitor (:D geeky), and I never, never encountered this kind problem! i never had any issues with FOV. I watched a bunch of videos presending gameplay on YouTube, and everything seemed to be just fine. Although, I believe my dizziness and headache was caused by camera moves.
I am not blaming anyone nor I demand anything. I feel very frustrated, so wanted to share my experience, and see if I am the only one missing the fun... So am I the only person who has this kind of problem, only with Legend of Grimrock?
Besides mentioned problem, the game seems to be succesful. Once, a trapdoor opened right below my feet, and I fell down, and I almost had a heart attack xD!
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:50 pm
by dbgager
Sorry to hear that. Hope you start feeling better, and your headache does not return when you play again.
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:59 pm
by oOldXman
I hope so too, because if I will have to choose between my head and this game... Obviously, I will choose this game

! Ohh wait... I forgot, if I will remove the head I will not be able to play anyway

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:59 pm
by Ice
Do you get motion sickness or have any other motion-related illnesses?
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:03 am
by DJK
Its deffenatly there, I had the same.. I tried the different vsync settings but it persisted... not sure what is causing it, I play lots of games and it's a rare thing to happen (did have it before in another game long time past)
And I do get motion sickness in cars easily, as well as for example in a bus, I need to sit with a view to the front or I get dizzy... but I play so many games in a wide range from fps to rpg, racing games platformers everything and it's a really rare thing for me in gaming, but I have it here

Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:43 am
by Fnord
I started playing the game, but then after a while I started to feel a severe pain in my stomach.
I then looked at the clock and realized that I had missed dinner by 5h...
Sorry about that. I hope you will be able to find a way of playing the game. Might it just be stress or lack of sleep that is causing this?
And I'll eat something now.
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:01 am
by oOldXman
Ice wrote:Do you get motion sickness or have any other motion-related illnesses?
Well to tell you the truth... My motion sickness is of intergalactic scale

. Just to get to college by bus, I struggle every single day, I always hope that my willpower alone will be enough. Gaming is my poassion, I have been playing games FOREVER (thunder in the background)! I am ok with all kinds of games, or at least I was ok. This is where my frustration comes from, this is shocking for me.
DJK wrote:Its deffenatly there, I had the same.. I tried the different vsync settings but it persisted... not sure what is causing it, I play lots of games and it's a rare thing to happen (did have it before in another game long time past)
And I do get motion sickness in cars easily, as well as for example in a bus, I need to sit with a view to the front or I get dizzy... but I play so many games in a wide range from fps to rpg, racing games platformers everything and it's a really rare thing for me in gaming, but I have it here

Welcome to the club! Hey, no need to worry. We can still watch the screenshots, right

? Right

Fnord wrote:Sorry about that. I hope you will be able to find a way of playing the game. Might it just be stress or lack of sleep that is causing this?
And I'll eat something now.
Nope. I do not sleep much, but then again, I am one of those who do not need much sleep. Stress is incurable epidemic, but I was not exposed to more stress than usually. Enjoy your meal.
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:13 am
by Sir Richfield
I know this kind of motion sickness and if it helps: It's indeed the game's "fault" and you might even feel it only with this game.
I have MS in Wolfenstein 3D, but not Doom, had it in Sacred 2 (default cam), but no other top-down hack 'n' slay.
And nowadays I feel MS when an FPS is using motion blur.
That said, I fear you will get a headache again while playing.
If the devs listen, here is an idea: Turning the head bobbing while moving off MIGHT help.
I say might because it still could be the way the 3D is displayed.
So if there is a quick way (ini / patch / something) to turn the up and down motion while moving off, it might do the trick.
Motion sickness results from something in your brain being confused: Your eyes see some kind of movement, but your vestibular organ keeps telling "I don't know what you want, the head is very much at rest right now.". So your brain does not know which information is correct.
Works the other way around, in cars; vestibular: "Hey guys - we're moving, right?" - eyes, fixed on something stationary "HUH?".
That's why I think it could be the head bobbing.
(Disclaimer: I can't say "could" enough and the description of motion sickness does not necessarily have to be correct - please consult a better source for more information!)
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:43 am
by oOldXman
It is not motion blur for me, I have been playing Tribes Ascend for a while now, and it is all good.
I always feel dizzy when I look at stairs or floors with stripes. The world is going in circles most of the time, but I can manage. I mean, come on! Heroes do not have balance problems, do they

Perhaps I wanted to find all the secrets too quickly and I was spinning around too much. I am going to give it a try again tomorrow.
Re: Headache Wont Let Me Play LoG
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:02 am
by DJK
it's indeed motion blur for me, I have to "blink" while moving from tile to tile to easen the effect.. I can see it well when moving and looking at the wall, the "wall pillars" between two tiles get blurred while moving and then resharpen or something when you are on the next tile...
If it would stay sharp all the way I don't think i'd have it..