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Infinite Enemys
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:02 pm
by shadowmare
Hello there,
I want sugest to Grimrock 2 creates make some areas who mobs dont stop pop, so we can get infinite levels, like dungeon master, and allso make insane hard mobs, i remeber in dungeon master got a room it some mushroom mobs who you can get food and keep train to insane levels fireballs.
Why not.. put a lot skills and you can train more..
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:13 pm
by Dr.Disaster
errr .. infinite enemies are already in LoG 1, you just need to find their areas.
On insanely hard enemies: this is a matter that requires precise balancing. You can check out "Master Quest" with a high level party (25+) or try to beat either "The Price for your Freedom" or "Demiosis Domain" with a new party, then tell us what you think.
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:19 pm
by shadowmare
Try dungeon master man, and puzzles so you goin see what is realy oldschool, :)but i see have another topic it same ideas as mine

Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:29 pm
by Dr.Disaster
shadowmare wrote:Try dungeon master man, and puzzles so you goin see what is realy oldschool, :)but i see have another topic it same ideas as mine

Hehe i played DM as soon as FTL ported it to PC/MS-DOS back in the late 80's. IIRC i stopped leveling my main party when they had EE master levels across the board; it just took forever to advance them further and they were way above anything needed anyway. Also played several single character parties for fun back then. DM is nowhere near as difficult as you want LoG 2 to be or some of the mods which are already out for LoG 1.
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:31 pm
by FlashSoul
In my opinion, games that force you to spend time fighting only to gain levels are badly designed. There should be no need for such a boring task. Difficulty settings are what should change a boss/monster's difficulty for your party, not the time spent playing.
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:50 pm
by shadowmare
You dont no old games for sure man.. Dungeon master, even if you train to level 200 you heroes still chalenge, i dont mean training room to you get level 200 and kill a mob it 1 hit.. its work totaly diferent in old games they are challenge.. puzzles, mounsters, traps and in the end you dont need keep train if you dont want allways have another option..a item to kill. you train to fun to know spells cause in old games you dot have spell book it spells ready to cast you need create ones so spend a lot time learn a lot thinks.. so not boring but like i said you dont need stay train to finish game, or need keep harvest resourcers. OLDSCHOOL rocks..
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:03 pm
by Dr.Disaster
shadowmare wrote:You dont no old games for sure man.. Dungeon master, even if you train to level 200 you heroes still chalenge, i dont mean training room to you get level 200 and kill a mob it 1 hit.. its work totaly diferent in old games they are challenge..
FYI there is no level 200 in DM. There are 4 x 15 levels to gain incl. the master ranks.
Oh and the mechanic used to keep the challenge up .. that's called scaling.
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:05 pm
by shadowmare
Dr.Disaster wrote:shadowmare wrote:Try dungeon master man, and puzzles so you goin see what is realy oldschool, :)but i see have another topic it same ideas as mine

Hehe i played DM as soon as FTL ported it to PC/MS-DOS back in the late 80's. IIRC i stopped leveling my main party when they had EE master levels across the board; it just took forever to advance them further and they were way above anything needed anyway. Also played several single character parties for fun back then. DM is nowhere near as difficult as you want LoG 2 to be or some of the mods which are already out for LoG 1.
Yeah DM rocks.. i dont why people dont cross games ideas and make better ones, DM, Eye of Beholder, MM7 , Wizardry Cruzaders of Dark Savant, i think each game bring cool ideas but i know someones just particular to each game stile, but someones you can inovate, i never see real NIGHT in this games, just sky turn black.. that so bad.. i want more realist games since i play games from MSX, AMIGA, so PC..old shcool gamers, i want brain use game too.. not all ready to use , and slash , bash.. lol but bash it shield goin be nice skill to put in LoG 2 hehe..i pray to release this game i like so much, but i hope 2 even better not shit like ther new games they make and spend milions.
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:22 pm
by shadowmare
Dr.Disaster wrote:shadowmare wrote:You dont no old games for sure man.. Dungeon master, even if you train to level 200 you heroes still chalenge, i dont mean training room to you get level 200 and kill a mob it 1 hit.. its work totaly diferent in old games they are challenge..
FYI there is no level 200 in DM. There are 4 x 15 levels to gain incl. the master ranks.
Oh and the mechanic used to keep the challenge up .. that's called scaling.
i know its just exemple to splain, that train pit dont goin make game easyer, i remeber in DM that train pit it mushroom mobs..trning fireballs hehe
Re: Infinite Enemys
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:34 pm
by shadowmare
Like i said in another reply its just to splain i know dont have levels in DM... just try saying still chalenge