Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetSize?

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Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetSize?

Post by Paul »

Good evening all,

Here's a link to a few images of my project that I've been working on...working on way too much I must admit, lawn is a foot tall.

While your looking, could someone point me to a place where I could read up on these variables for placement. I've relocate germanny's gemslot location and socket from center to the side of a door frame and would very much like to place the gem around the proper location to activate it. I think I just need some clarity around the variables anchorPos, targetPos and targetSize. I've tried the hit and miss tact of +/- on xy, but can't seem to move the target from center. I'm guessing my coordinates are off... note that those below are examples, I've attempted to move them around to the point of exhaustion. The image is the bottom right one on the flickr link.

name = "cave_gem_socket_left",
class = "Alcove",
anchorPos = vec(-1.0, 1.5, -0.05),
anchorRotation = vec(0, 15, 45),
targetPos = vec(-1.0, 1.56, -0.05),
targetSize = vec(0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
placement = "wall",
onInsertItem = function(self, item)

Thanks again, and have a great night.

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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Mal85 »

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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Komag »

I like the creativeness you're exhibiting there, impressive! But please don't overlap arched doorways, the bricks get all on top of each other and it looks really bad. Also don't overlap pillars and sides of arched doors, same issue. Also, wall seams up high will probably need pillars to look decent - I have pillars that are three walls tall in the Master Quest source files if you want to borrow them (and then you can retexture them yourself). Other than those minor issues, I really love the visuals overall, and I look forward to this dungeon!

For the alcove, I don't know any other way than experimenting to learn that stuff. I had to do a lot of it for the cube parts. But now I can't even remember if the positions are relative or not. If not, then they all are fixed in relation to the world - NSEW, not in relation to the object, so if you place the gate NS it would be different than EW, but again I can't remember now.
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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Paul »

Thanks for the input Mal85 & Komag. I'll keep experimenting with the variables.

As for the "flicker" that results when overlapping arches, pillars or any other surface for that matter caused by light source reflections, yes, it's bothersome to say the least, as noted in various other mods. To mitigate the occurrence is very time consuming, but in most cases is possible and worth the effort. For overlapping arches, because I like the look they bring for certain concepts, I ended up offsetting every other arch by .03, the same goes for pillars, though in some cases it was easier just to scale them by .01. This offset is just enough to not be visually noticeable compared to the standard assets but alleviates the surface reflection conflict.

I've added a couple more images from another area, one where I have pillars going all the way up. I agree they clean up the visuals. I've also created a horizontal "pillar" for the lack of a better term to help with the stacked wall sections, wall to ceiling/floor edges, etc. for the same purpose.

Now all I need is a crash course in Nifscope, Blender and Gimp to really do something creative in conjunction with GMT. Just not enough hours in the day.

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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Komag »

Points well taken, thanks for the reply. But it's not just the flicker - sometimes there is no flicker but you can see the stone sort of "interweaving" unnaturally. It's something that is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, that's all. But really, you've done an amazing job of creating those rooms.
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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Looking really good Paul. I really like the outside scenes looking up at the stars and the Goromorg's with the torches. Some nice ideas here.

Are you having any problems with items getting 'lost' on the ground where there are rocks and things on the floor? I always imagined this would be a problem where there are irregular floor tiles.
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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Paul »

@ JohnWadsworth... You do need to be thoughtful when placing items and where items will be used such as keys and alike. The environment, walls and other props are often scaled, inverted and/or offset leaving little room for error. The first post of this thread started after trying multiple times to add the gem to the socket on the door frame.

The portcullis/gate was open resulting in the gem that you needed literally being tossed into the abyss. Ok, gate close, try again, and it's better, the gem falls to the floor to be retrieved easily. The options available are vast, curious who else finds themselves starring at the screen for hours it seems thinking of better ways to do things. Writers block is my thought? I spent the day in the yard which always seems to help.

@ Komag ... Question, do you have hand towels in your bathroom that no one but guests are allowed to use? I feel your correctness in such things as making damn sure the lines are in proper order. I too find this to be the case as well, though I don't have guest towels out unless there are, well, guests. Funny, laughing at myself with the hours spent trying to align obscure objects in a way they were never meant to be used. Yes, there are some areas that could use a bit more love & attention. Problem is that LoG2 would be out before long before I was able to publish anything "perfect". Don't get me wrong I prefer perfect, just ask my wife. She still has no clue, sorry that's not quit correct. She doesn't "understand" why we spend so much time doing the things we do to make it just right.

How long to LoG2???

And before I forget again, I want to give props to all those on this forum that have contributed to LoG and the community. The list that I will need create to provide credit for their work that I've used in my mod will be long and distinguished.

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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Neikun »

That's really amazing. Great job, I don't see any graphic errors, excited the spiders that look like their stuck in the rocky floor.

I gotta ask though, does that spider climb and attack from the ceiling?!
That'd be so cool.
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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Paul »

Long story short, it's spring and the spiders are out and they're not just on the floor, this started me thinking that this might be possible. I've added a couple more pics showing what they look like.

Yes, they can attack and they move around the level on the ceiling without problem although they will not traverse from ceiling to wall just yet. Two issues, first you need to control the environment a little as I found out with the ones I tested crawling on the walls. Not so much with the ceiling, but on the walls they use any vertical surface available. Meaning, that even without a visible wall they will track down like one existed. The wall movement however has me pretty sure that traversing from ceiling to wall to floor is possible as there's not a problem changing vectors at corners.

The 2nd issue I'm working thru is that although you can inflict damage on them (which is actually quite cool with them being inverted) is that when they do attack the player/champion is not damaged. My assumption is that this has something to do with the hitbox/targetPos but I'll need to spend some time with it as I've been sidetracked with the caverns level which has taken all my time and energy. I did send a pm or two to a couple of the modelers out there looking for help in this respect.

Did I mention I still didn't cut the lawn today? I did move 5 yrds of mulch, does that count?

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Re: Proj. images & question... anchorPos, targetPos, targetS

Post by Neikun »

Have you defined new animation events for your modified animations?
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