The Last Laugh

Based on three dungeons from the D&D "Adventures in Brandwyn" by Sean Kennedy (AKA me.)
Designed for a startup group, and the party will be around level 10 - 13 when you finish the dungeon.
Warning! this is a big dungeon download = 228 MB.
This is a very different type of dungeon. It has 8 levels. The first four are representaive of the Kings Tomb, wich is more of a hack and slay with some deathtrap puzzles. The following two are the lair of the Wizard, which is a themed dungeon. The last two are the dungeon of the mad jester, which has lots of deathtraps and some very difficult encounters. The dungeons are full of riddles, secrets and clues. Some them are simple puzzles, while others will take time to solve. The dungeons get progressivley harder to complete, so watch your step.
It can be played through with a starting level set of characters or your favorite dungeon cralwers. The normal level game is at least as difficult as Grimrock, and the difficult level is VERY tough.
Things that I feel worth to mention:
1. Its playable from start to finish (yes I tested it)
2. It has an introduction and two different endings
3. The ending you receive depends on how clever you are.
4. It has multiple sets of re-textured wallsets, re-textured and tweaked monsters, and a fair amount of custom objects
Buttons Galore by Balthazar
Cozy Dungeons content by Phitt
High Temple Wall Set by Daniv
Northern Dungeon Wallset by Daniv (which I could not have done without)
Zathros Dungeon Props by Skuggasveinn
Really cool custom dungeon assets, weapons, and props by Germanny
Tomes Scripts by Ixnatifual
Lands of Lore Gobelins by Merethif
Misc Art and riddle Gobelins by myself
Original aphrodite staute (free 3DS format) by bank3d models library
New statue assets by me
Centaur built using legs from free 3d Horse from
5. It has custom music in the Intro based on two pieces of music
Howard Shore - Ride of the Rohirrim
David Arkenstone - Frontier: Death in the Snow
Special Thanks!
Almost Human for creating such an awesome game!
All the scripting help given to me by everyone at the Grimrock Modding forum
The play-testers with infinite patience: Todd, Tymur and Asteroth
Special thanks to Skuggasveinn who made Zathros Dungeon content available so I could learn more about scripting.
Gary Gygaxx for all his ideas throughout the years
Norse knotwork by various artists (including myself)
Zodiac Symbols by the Color Company
E.S. Lowe for all his inspiring Celtic style artwork.
Sylvette Lemagnen conservator of The Bayeux Tapestry
Feel free to comment on this thing, good or bad.