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spleeting party

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:19 pm
by hyteria
hello everyone , still working hard on my dungeon , just want to know if it's possible to make an event that split party , well to have only one hero who left his partner and need to deliver them to get them back ?

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:51 pm
by Komag
You can enable or disable certain party members for a while, that might be what you want

Enables or disables the champion. A disabled champion is essentially an empty party slot.

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:28 pm
by hyteria
thx but

dunno how it work , cause for now this not working

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:42 pm
by pferguso
I have a script I wrote that makes party members disappear from the party when they are defeated, and then a "prisoner mesh" spawns in a jail area, allowing you to walk over them to "rescue" them, which adds them back to the party again. It also makes some dialog between the characters when they are rescued as well. It's a pretty complicated script, and it involves having some stuff set up in your level (coordinates where the party members can spawn as prisoners) and stuff, but I can provide it. I'll just need a couple hours to prepare a write-up on how to use it, as well as the relevant scripts. Please send me a private message, as I am away from my PC at the moment.

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:42 pm
by thomson
Grimwidgets library has some limited support for new members joining your party.

It is far from being perfect, but it now allows new (5th) member to join. There is a dialog box, which of existing ones should go away. The ability to join if your party has less than 4 members will be implemented soon.

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:04 pm
by hyteria
Grimwidgets library ? what is that ? i m gonna check , thx all for reply

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:15 am
by thomson
Check out this thread. It is basically a library for showing different types of GUIs. One of the examples there is a script that adds new member to your party.

Re: spleeting party

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:31 am
by hyteria
thx anyway , i will find another idea , this is too complicate for me