ToW updating is suspended, because I work on custom monsters.
But don't worry, I still work on assets for it.
Hi all. I work on my "Tombs of Winterfell" mod based on Song of Ice and Fire saga (or Game of Thrones if you wish).
It's not finished yet, but I already have some stuff and I want to share it with you - because feedback allways is welcome and of course, I need some motivation to continue in this hard work

Please left a comment and tell me If you want to see more.
LAST UPDATE: 1st February 2013
Chapter I: Arrival
3rd February 2013:
Castle Winterfell (WIP) - Ingame:

Castle Winterfell (WIP):

How to create a House
12th January 2013:
Vilage of Winterfell: Mysterious meeting.
Character (WIP)
Name: classified
Combat style: melee, sword and shield.
Special abilities: classified
Role: classified

Video: Making of Tombs of Winterfell 1 : Village of Vinterfell
House asset in game (decoration on pillar position) and GMT. Rotation 5-7°and wall alcoves --> trick to create no-cels effect. How to use virtual walls to create propper map etc.
7th January 2013:
Vilage of Winterfell: Main square.

This is a starting location of the game. Your horse carries yours basic equipment. You can also see part of avalanche which destroyed village under the castle...

Direct links to the media: