some things i would like to see, like stores and NPCs
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:31 am
so this guy had some decent ideas for LoG viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3326&hilit=store though if the devs don't add those, then maybe modders can. i think it would be cool if some modders could make some mods that people can use them in their dungeons as an add on asset or something like that, also i would like to expand upon that with my own thoughts
- first shops would be cool, or as someone else later in the thread suggested maybe an item exchange, personally i would like to see a shop that uses cash(in game cash not real money) but also have the option to barter for items too
NPCs would be nice, but not just people but other NPCs including monsters as well as humans elves and such that can be friendly and even have dialog
more character classes and even expanding current classes to do more like with thieves to pick locks and disarm traps,
i also like the making a party of 1 and having people find new characters in games, maybe set up a mod that level designers can use to restrict people to making only 1 character and then have scripted characters they can meet and even swap out as needed through out their adventure so that you can have those other characters have scripted dialog too
i've seen that someone is already making an overland dungeon set but also making village assets would be nice too