partially flooded dungeon

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partially flooded dungeon

Post by AmiDARK »

Hi All,

Does anyone have an idea on how we could make an area of a dungeon be partially flooded by water ?

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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Neikun »

The way I would do it is with a couple models for water, with a watery texture, and a particle system on it that makes it look more fluid.
I'm still in the brainstorm process of developing this one.
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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Komag »

suffice it to say it would not be easy!
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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Kuningas »

But awesome! Think of all the awesome!

At it's most simplest, it'd include making a water model that fits on a downward stair model and prevents going down them. And a few puddles as remnants of water as well.
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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Xanathar »

This, the forest and mine tilesets, the treasure chests and illusionary walls and we are only a dialogue window away from a LOL1 remake! (ok we also miss a swamp tileset, freezing pits, caves and an open city). To celebrate I'll work on a rechargeable lantern :)
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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by AmiDARK »

I'm not good as modelling, but I'm sad that we cannot use our own Shader otherwise I have one for water that may be great for the game :p

Neikun, why am I not suprised by your answer ? ;)

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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Skuggasveinn »

This got my attention :)

Here is the days work.

What we have done is to create a model that is a semi transperant plate just above the floor with a water texture.
Then we define that model inside a lightsource.

Code: Select all

	name = "sx_flooded",
	class = "LightSource",
	lightPosition = vec(0, 0.4, 0),
	lightRange = 0,
	 lightColor = vec(1, 1, 1),
	brightness = 1,
	castShadow = false,
	model = "mod_assets/models/sx_flooded.fbx",
	placement = "floor",
	particleSystem = "waterflow",
	particleSystemNode = "MainObject",
	replacesFloor = false,
	editorIcon = 136,
Then we create particle effects (I did 2 effects), one that gives the illusion of flowing water, and another that gives the illusion of sparkling static water.
We use the glitter_silver texture for the effect.

Code: Select all

 name = "waterflow",
 emitters = {

 emissionRate = 1000,
 emissionTime = 0,
 spawnBurst = false,
 maxParticles =1000,
 boxMin = {-1.3,-1,-1.3},
 boxMax = {1.3,0,1.3},
 objectSpace = true,
 sprayAngle = {0,1},
 velocity = {0,0},
 texture = "assets/textures/particles/glitter_silver.tga",
 lifetime = {100000, 100000},
 colorAnimation = false,
 color0 = {1, 1, 1},
 opacity = 0.7,
 fadeIn = 0.4,
 fadeOut = 2.5,
 size = {0.05, 0.1},
 gravity = {10,0,0},
 airResistance = 1,
 rotationSpeed = 8,
 blendMode = "Additive",

 name = "waterstatic",
 emitters = {

 emissionRate = 1000,
 emissionTime = 0,
 spawnBurst = false,
 maxParticles =300,
 boxMin = {-1.3,-1,-1.3},
 boxMax = {1.3,0,1.3},
 objectSpace = true,
 sprayAngle = {0,1},
 velocity = {0,0},
 texture = "assets/textures/particles/glitter_silver.tga",
 lifetime = {100000, 100000},
 colorAnimation = false,
 color0 = {1, 1, 1},
 opacity = 0.7,
 fadeIn = 0.4,
 fadeOut = 2.5,
 size = {0.05, 0.1},
 gravity = {0,0,0},
 airResistance = 1,
 rotationSpeed = 8,
 blendMode = "Additive",
The end result is looks like this.




Grap the source from nexus and check it out, seeing is believing ;)
I got water sound effects and waterfall also with fog emitters, screenshots just don't cut it.

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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Batty »

oh that is awesome!

edit: my party just took a shower in the waterfall.
Last edited by Batty on Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by Komag »

oh my gosh, I should have known you'd come up with something so awesome like that!!
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Re: partially flooded dungeon

Post by AmiDARK »

Skuggasveinn, thank you for your help.

I think that with various textures, we can probably modify this to do some different waters.
Great work.

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