EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 12/11/12 post mortum
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:38 pm
Alright everyone, I was going to poke and subtly prod the community for answers to see if this would even be possible then I figured, to hell with it. The whole point of the editing challenges in my opinion it to push everyone to do what was previously thought undo-able. So without further ado I bring you the next challenge:
The Warden

The Challenge:
The Warden has something you want, you have to take it from him.
Create a puzzle revolving around the theme of stealing from the Warden.
I envision at least one variation of chess, or a sliding puzzles or even something more wildly ambitious! The theme is whats important here.
Animate the inanimate! Bring life to the lifeless! Remember most of all that the dungeon is to be fun above all else; atmosphere, challenge level, and a million other variables will need to come together for the winner to be crowned.
The Guidelines:
The Reward:
A game TBA by Monday Oct. 15th. Given out over steam or maybe GoG.
Contest start Date: Oct. 11th 2012
Entry due date: Oct. 31st 2012
Voting period: Nov. 1st 2012 - Nov. 8th 2012
Prize hand out(s): Nov. 9th 2012
Please base your votes on final versions and let authors know if something is broken so they can fix it.
Warden's Workshop : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12843270/Warden%20Workshop.dat By: BeNNyBiLL
The Big Friendly Warden :
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =105862865
By: Edsploration
The Warden

The Challenge:
The Warden has something you want, you have to take it from him.
Create a puzzle revolving around the theme of stealing from the Warden.
I envision at least one variation of chess, or a sliding puzzles or even something more wildly ambitious! The theme is whats important here.
Animate the inanimate! Bring life to the lifeless! Remember most of all that the dungeon is to be fun above all else; atmosphere, challenge level, and a million other variables will need to come together for the winner to be crowned.
The Guidelines:
- - Keep your dungeon short and sweet, we don't really need any sweeping epics here... 1-2 floors should be more than sufficient.
- The player must solve a puzzle in an adjacent room by moving an inanimate object with controls in the room they the player are standing. This should open the way to some item of value to The Warden.
- Combat can show up in this challenge, but it's not the focus I'm aiming for. Tension is more what I'm looking for here.
-The Warden can also be an obstacle or enemy for the player to overcome but not really necessary. Just having him in another room you can see into being all angry and warden-like is good enough.
- 1 submission per person
The Reward:
A game TBA by Monday Oct. 15th. Given out over steam or maybe GoG.
Contest start Date: Oct. 11th 2012
Entry due date: Oct. 31st 2012
Voting period: Nov. 1st 2012 - Nov. 8th 2012
Prize hand out(s): Nov. 9th 2012
Please base your votes on final versions and let authors know if something is broken so they can fix it.
Warden's Workshop : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12843270/Warden%20Workshop.dat By: BeNNyBiLL
The Big Friendly Warden :

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =105862865
By: Edsploration