Hi there folks,
I hope that this question hasn't been asked to often, but I just wasnt able to find a solution.
I want to create a constant particle effect. Like the teleporter does. Actually I indeed would like to copy the teleporter effect. I have been using the teleporter for highlighting statues in my dungeon. Always using a teleporter cannot be the solution, since I might, one day, create another constant effect (I can, for example, think of a poisonous area where there are constant poison clouds).
So, I have been trying to understand the fx-object, playing some of the particle effects with it. Sadly, they don't last long and I cannot seem to find a way to let them repeat themselfes.
My question in short: How to make a constant particle effect, like the teleporter or the poison cloud effect?
Hopefully, someone found that out already.
Constant Effects
Re: Constant Effects
This is my poisonous cloud 
The area is a 5x5 squares. For a 3x3 squares use 4.5 instead of 7.5, and for a simple 1x1 use 1.5
There is a small gravity effect.
To be permanent I created this object:
You can place or spawn the "Emitter" anywhere and deactivate or activate it to control the effect 
Maybe is not perfect, but works fine for me. Do not place too many emitters, many particles can be heavy to render.

Code: Select all
name = "gas",
emitters = {
emissionRate = 10,
emissionTime = 0,
maxParticles = 300,
spawnBurst = false,
boxMin = {-7.5, 0.0,-7.5},
boxMax = { 7.5, 0.0, 7.5},
sprayAngle = {0,360},
velocity = {0.0,0.0},
objectSpace = true,
texture = "assets/textures/particles/smoke_01.tga",
lifetime = {30,30},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.15, 0.5, 0.1},
opacity = 0.2,
fadeIn = 10,
fadeOut = 10,
size = {1, 2},
gravity = {0,0.3,0},
airResistance = 10,
rotationSpeed = 0.2,
blendMode = "Additive",
There is a small gravity effect.
To be permanent I created this object:
Code: Select all
name = "GasEmitter",
class = "LightSource",
lightPosition = vec(0, 0, 0),
lightRange = 0,
lightColor = vec(0, 0, 0),
brightness = 0,
castShadow = false,
particleSystem = "gas",
placement = "floor",
editorIcon = 88,

Maybe is not perfect, but works fine for me. Do not place too many emitters, many particles can be heavy to render.
Re: Constant Effects
Ah, I see. So you abuse a Light for a spawner of a particle system. Wasn't aware of the fact that this is even possible 
Well thanks.

Well thanks.