[MOD] TLC book 2 spells added

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[MOD] TLC book 2 spells added

Post by cromcrom »


Steam download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... earchtext=

The AH guys, for releasing this wonderful game, supporting and listening to the community, and releasing so many modding stuff.
Omenpapa, main feedbacker and constructive critic. Thanks a lot, dude.
Komag, coming around with a few nice words, always nice to hear ;-)
Magus, for the SDP: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3201&hilit=sdp
Crisim, for some amazing snippets of code. I didn't know tables at that time, and it opened a whole range of new possibilities for me.
JohnWordsworth, for his amazing model tool. Thanks for sharing with us, dude. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3325
Lilltiger, for some coding lessons in table.
Daniv, for his northern Dungeon wall set. it looks amazing, thanks: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3825
J.Trudel, for his dual wield idea : viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4004
akroma222: for the spawn around spell idea, haste and berzerk spells: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3475&start=90#p40522
Grimwold, for his great coding and spells pack http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/70
JKos, for the Magic Missile spell and tutorial viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3910&p=42956#p42956

Anybody that takes interest in the mod, and plays it.
The Lost Continent beginner's tip.
The Lost Continent is a little rough so far (well, for what I have played, hardly no feedback :-( ), so here are some tips:
Some tips for the exhaustion system,:
**Being a novice athlete does make a difference.
**Rush for a long time if you really need to. Otherwise, move rather slowly.
**Keep in mind that being exhausted REALLY make you consume more food. Keep going if you need to.
**Craft waterskins, feel them with water (there are a few fountains scattered here and there), and drink when you start to get out of breath will help you keep going.

** DO NOT go straight into the wild areas. Take time to get ready for your explorations/adventures:
** Pick up skills. You have skills to buy in the scholar's quarters. I would recommend butcher (for food gathering, as food is scarce), athletism (for running for a longer time before exhaustion) and any one crafting skill. As you explore, you will gain more skill points, and thus be able to improve/gain new knowledge/skills
** Craft some weapons/armors with some of the basic components. You will find more components as you explore the world. Most items come in 6 qualities (from poor to legendary). The better your craftong skills, the better the result will be (randomized). A legendary crafter will have a little chance to craft e legendary item...
** Pick up a bounty hunting quest before leaving. You will gain extra XPs when you turn it in.
** There is a free resting room in the corridor before leaving, use it when needed. But the more you will wander away from the base cam, the harder it will be to rest. In any case, you will need camp components to rest (or find camping sites. They are very heavy, its intended, as they are camping SITES, and not components.
** For caster, Meditation skill can be very usefull, I would strongly advise that you pick it up.
I hope this helps, cheers.
Features list
I hope you will enjoy this first mod.
Inner working specifics hopefully not spoilers:
Resting: you need to use camp_component in your inventory in order to start resting. The better your camp skill, the longer you will rest. Resting uses one camp component. Camp component can be built at the woodcrafter.

Sprinting/athletism/exhaustion: if you move to fast, you will eventually exhaust yourself. Exhaustion comes in two level, "tired" (remove more food) and "exhausted" (can't move anymore, remove a little energy). The better your athletism skill, the longer you will be able to "run" before feeling the exhaustion.

Crafting: the basic principle is this: you choose an item to craft with top button, you put the exact number of required components into the crafting (usually in the wall) altar, you launch the crafting with the middle button. In case of success, you recover the item on the other altar. Recipes are really simple, and don't require a lot of different components.

Scavenging: Just put a craftable item into the scavenger altar, and click on the button. If you are lucky (and depending on skill in item craft), you might recover some components, that will fall at your feet.

Skills: You start the game with a skill compendium. Use it to see your skill levels. There are 5 skill levels: Untrained, Novice, Adept, Master and Legendary. You gain skills by buying them if you have enough skill points. You can find skill points randomly when adventuring. Most skills are automatic, you will use them when needed (for example, when killing a Living tree, you might gain more wood branch if you woodcutter skill is high enough.

More ways to gain experience and improve party: fail a skill and try to learn from your failure.

Bounty hunting and random quests: You can pick up random quests. You need to turn back the quest receipt and at list a trophy to gain rewards from the quest, but the more you will turn in the better, with a big bonus if you turn everything in.
Skills list and effects
Woodcutting: increases chances to drop wood from wood related objects or monsters (barrels, living tree)
Butchering: increase chance to loot internal parts from living things
Skining: Increase chance to loot external parts from living things
Mining: increases chances to drop ore from minerals related objects or monsters (mines, stone snails)
Scavenging: increases chances to drop various items from combined objects or monsters (skeletons)
Herboristery: increases chance to Identify plants.
Tinkering: Increase chance to craft various items. Increase weapon and armor survivability.
Alchemy: increase chance to succeed in crafting better potions and bombs
ArmorSmithing: increase chance to succeed in making better quality iron armors.
WeaponSmithing: increase chance to succeed in making better quality iron weapons.
Woodcrafting: increase chance to succeed in making better quality wooden items.
Tailor: increase chance to succeed in making better quality woven items.
Leathercrafter: increase chance to succeed in making better quality leather items.
Cook: increase chance to succeed in making better quality cooked dishes.
Athletism: increases distance travelled before exhaustion.
Scouting: increase chance for better scouting results, or avoiding hazards.
Camping: increase chance to rest properly.
Meditation: increases energy regeneration for mages.
Medic: increase health regenearation for all champions, and the better use of medic items (bandages for now)
Bounty Hunting: increase the xp gained from bounty quests.
Merchant: sell for more, buy for less :-)
Literacy:Increase experience gained from reading books.
Lockpicking:allows and increase chance to succefully use lockpicks.

Known current release issues / problems

Updates Contents
:arrow: A full area (although only part of it is actually full of active content (modified barrels and snails spawners)
:arrow: A crafting and learning area.
:arrow: Some custom skills: Woodworking (crafting skill , make bow, spears, arrows, torch); WeaponSmith (crafting skill, make iron weapons, melee and throwing); WoodCutting (gathering skill, increase chance to drop wood branch when destroying modified barrels)
:arrow: skills can be learnt in the Scholar quarter.
:arrow: You can craft items, having skills improve chance to succeed. (only woodworking and weaponsmithing for now)
:arrow: When you fail an action (like craftinf and gathering), there is a chance, if your will power is high enough, that you will gain a little bit of experience.
19 th of september release:
:arrow: rebuild of the crafting scripts, to make them more convenient to use.
:arrow: Butchering skill (to increase chance to gather internal organs when killing things)
:arrow: Skinning skill (to increase chance to gather external organs (mostly leather) when killing things)
:arrow: Leathercraft skill (allows to craft leather armor, slings, sac, etc)
:arrow: Armorsmith skill (allows to create heavy armors mostly)
:arrow: Monster spawn limitations on the level.
:arrow: Some exploration in the first level (treasures, boss...)
20th of september release:
:arrow: Create more of a "Den" feeling for some area in the level.
:arrow: Added Bosses that respawn regularly when dead, with unique loot, for some Hack n Slash Feeling.
:arrow: Added scavenging. You can change items (mostly the craftable ones for now) into raw components using the skill necessary to craft them. I might create a Scavenge skill tho...
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: added camping skill and camping stuff. Now, you wont be able to rest unless you activate some camping component (easy woodwork craft for now). The better your camping skill, the longer you will be able to rest for a used component.
:arrow: rebuilt some items thanks to the newly released asset pack. Thanks AlmostHuman :-)
:arrow: changed the current barrels (for wood gathering) into "living trees" (modified herder)
:arrow: Improved the overall game and the beginning of the game for a more exploration/RPG feeling.
22th of september release:
:arrow: 1 new area, full of random monsters, a little harder than first area. Home of the Spiders.
:arrow: Code improvement for knowledge and craft.
:arrow: Tailor skill added
:arrow: Meditation skill added. This one improves energy regeneration for mages
:arrow: Athletism skill: if you go too fast, you will consume more food, and eventually exhaust yourself (not moviing anymore)
:arrow: cook skill added. Hmmm baked snail and spider steaks, yummy !!!
24th of september release:
Not much for this release, a spear for wood worker, but above all:
:arrow: WEAPON and ARMOR DETERIORATION system added.
Weapons and armors will deteriorate as your champions use them, and get damaged. It will make crafting skills, especialy weaponsmith, armorsmith, leathercraft, woodworker and tailor, much more usefull in the long run, as the player will have to recraft destroyed items. Moreover, with the random quality system incoming, crafting is going to be really meaningfull.
25th of september release:
:arrow: Random craft resuslts system added (from poor to legendary items). Not for all crafts yet, as it is a tedious process, but most of weaponsmith is done, as well as a few others (torch, legionnary spear, all cook items, camp components and maybe a few more)
:arrow: New zone added, with custom monsters and little random bosses.
26th - 27th of september release:
:arrow: Random kill quests. You will be able to choose a random quest. For now, only "kill x monsters". You will then bring the trophies back. The mre you bring back (within maximal amount), the more XP you will gain, with a big bonus if you bring all of them, and even more XP depending on your Bounty Hunting skill.
:arrow: Added bountyhunting skill
:arrow: Added a few craftable items range.
28th of september release:
:arrow: Herboristery skill added. Allows to identify plants.
:arrow: Scavenging skill added. More chance to gain loot from certain items and monsters.
:arrow: Added a few craftable items range.
29-30th of september release:
:arrow: Complete skill learning rebuild. Now much more intuitive and easy to use. All skills appear on a skill compendium, and cost skill points.
:arrow: Added the whole armorsmith range of random craftable items.
:arrow: Bugs and balance fixes. Main balance fixed is that cooked food is now the best food aroung, and unknown plants have a low food value.
1st of october:
:arrow: Some light skill system graphical changes.
:arrow: Bandages added. tailor crafted, medic used. Increases hit points.
:arrow: A complete "scouting" system. Scouting works that way. Some scouting hints appear randomly in the areas/dungeons, the better the skill, the more "opportunities" appear. They have "hints" in their description, like "you have good feelings here", or "you have bad feelings here". You then activate the hints (just like camping sites) and if you succeed or fail the scouting check, something will (or will not ) happen.
:arrow: Healing herbs. Preparing the Alchemy skill ;)
:arrow: Deterioration now depends on item quality.
:arrow: various balance and bug fixes
:arrow: Main Quest Start Added (2 "quests")
4th of october
:arrow: Big cosmetics changes to the "forest"
:arrow: 99% of craftable items now have a "range" (from poort to legendary).
:arrow: Some creatures reskinning to fit better with the "mood". I must pay attention not to add to much, tho, I want to keep TLC reasonable in terms of size...
:arrow: Scouting ambushes now spawn area specific monsters.
:arrow: missing teleporter to hills fixed.
:arrow: Changed the quest system. It is much neater now. First major quest updated.
:arrow: Changed bounty hunting system. Much neater now.
:arrow: A very small XP gain in case of success on trying stuff.
:arrow: snails drop more raw food.
V10.2 7th of october
:arrow: snail drop lowered a bit.
:arrow: New weapon (woodcrafter) throwing spear.
:arrow: Omenpapa's delicacy recipe, to turn these unknown plants into a delicious soup. No wasting any more ^^
:arrow: Portable scavenging anvil system.
:arrow: Portable selling bag
:arrow: Merchant skill
:arrow: MERCHANTS SYSTEM. Cycle through 4 different merchants, and buy stuff, using gold, silver and copper coins.
:arrow: Some big changes to the skill experience system. Skill experience is now partly specific to the concerned skill.
:arrow: small changes: fist_dagger range added, wood branch new icon, mining iron junks now can provoke stone falling
V11 11th of october
:arrow: Alchemy skill (for crafting potions and bombs)
:arrow: Tinkering skill (for crafting various objects and improve weapon and armor duration)
:arrow: Literacy (for gaining more benefits from reading various experience scrolls and books)
:arrow: Spider lair (with specific spider lair objects, and greater spiders as new boss monsters)
:arrow: many new items and things to find in the areas.
:arrow: new items: dark leather, poison bomb (alchemy craftable), healing potion (alchemy craftable), lurker set, spider eggs, spider omelet, venom glands, incense plant (usefull for meditation)
:arrow: knowledge books read it a first time to discover what it is about. It can deal with "adventuring" (for XP gain) "global skills" for global skill xps, or specific skills, and be basic books, average, complex or occult. The harder they are to read, the more potential benefit :-). Entire libraries incoming, as they are randomized ^^
:arrow: BountyHunting now also gives money (as well as current XPs)
:arrow: Meditation now gives half less energy than currently, but a little more when using incense...
:arrow: Boss now drop trophies that you can turn at the bountyHunting altar.
:arrow: bounty hunting bonus increased
:arrow: Athletism will now very slowly (and randomly) improve as you move. I insist, very slowly.
:arrow: Iron junks (mine) drop system slightly modified
:arrow: camping time decreased
:arrow: various little balance stuff fixed.
16th of october BOOK 1 Released
:arrow: Lockpicking skill and lockpicks. Try to open most doors using lockpicks. Doors are still openable if you find the proper key, tho...
:arrow: Jewelry crafting skill
:arrow: Tinkering craft (craft flasks, lockpicks...)
:arrow: Crafting rebuilt. Simpler. More than one item craftable at once. Item specific knowledge.
:arrow: Main quest is now done
:arrow: new "mountain" area (home to "precious" snails, various ogres, skeletons and more)
:arrow: many new items and monsters
:arrow: various balance fixes
19th of october BOOK 1 Beta 2 save compatible
:arrow: More food should prevent champions to hunt to much.
:arrow: wood drops from living trees and iron ore / gold nuggets from mines and specific snails fixed
:arrow: meditation increase slowly overtime (once you are a novice), and from consuming incense.
:arrow: Scavenging fixed.
:arrow: Omenpapa delicacy now have some leftovers when failing recipe.
:arrow: Rope (new craftable item from tinkerer or tailor) will greatly help you overcome dangerous or difficult terrains, and get damaged in the process.
It should overall make a more enjoyable start.

19th of october BOOK 1 Beta 3 mostly save compatible
:arrow: Vastly decreased the cost of buying items in shop. Should be a viable option now.
:arrow: Added a cheating object: will give 4GP, 1 level and 2000 global skill points to your paty when used. Mainly intended for beta users.
:arrow: Skeleton keys stackable.
:arrow: Removed some bugs.
:arrow: Fixed the dangerous/difficult terrain issues.
:arrow: stacks of 10 coins will now disappear and be changed into the superior coin. Keep change however, as the merchant functions checks the exact required number of coins (so 2 silver are not equal to 20 copper )

Beta 4 released
:arrow: Ice lizard crash fixed
:arrow: Alcoves added in fortress supply room (will show with a new game)
:arrow: Reduced spawn rate
:arrow: Reduced components from failed crafting
:arrow: Reduced mining/woodcutting stuff
:arrow: Changed "quest success" sound
:arrow: round and heavy shield crafting bug fixed.
Book 2 alpha released 12 november
:arrow: Repair tools (craftable (tinkering)). Allows, well, to repair deteriorated items.
:arrow: Farming skill. As you identify herbs and plants, you might find some seeds. Plant them in proper fertile soil, come back a few minutes later, and if you succeed a farming check, you might succeed in gathering new and more herbs. Seeds can only be gathered in the Wild, to prevent infinite gathering loop.
:arrow: Severe/Critical wound system If one of your champions receives a big wound, it will reduce one of its stat/attribute. Then after some times, the wound will heal, and the attribute will go back to normal. If "physical", the wound might bleed. Bandaging and medic skill become very important, because they will help stop the bleeding, and a bandaged wound will have more chance to heal.
:arrow: Trapping skill. Traps can be crafted as a tinkering item. Traps can be set up (bonus for skill, dexterity, rogue level), with various chance to start if some monster "step" on it (monsters have some modifications when checking if they fall into the trap). Set up traps can be disarmed and picked up again for later use.
right now, basic traps (same physical damages for all monsters), and hunters traps (more damage to "animals", less to other monsters types)
:arrow: Kill count added, in the quest book, per global creatures type.
:arrow: magic scroll creation, by casting the spell on a "raw imbuable scroll" on an imbuing altar.
:arrow: "PickPocketing" with a pickPocket Stiletto. Depending on some various variables (rogue class, dexterity, invisibility, pickpocketing skill...), you will succeed or not in finding random items on monsters.
Book 2 in the works
:arrow: new spells: minor, major, greater "open door". Only works on lockpickable doors. its like lockpicking actually, but without lockpicks.
:arrow: merchant items now party level dependant (a very little chance to buy legendary items if all members are at least level 50...)
:arrow: New spells: spawn around party fireburst, frostburst and poison cloud.
:arrow: new spells: haste, berzerk, magic missile, Minor hold monster, Major hold monster, Greater Hold Monster, Minor burn monster (see credits), major burn monster, Greater Burn monster , Minor remove exhaustion, Major remove exhaustion, Greater Remove exhaustion.
Last edited by cromcrom on Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:03 pm, edited 128 times in total.
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Re: Crom's crafting system

Post by cromcrom »

Released on steam and Nexus, it was for both a smooth process, great work guys, and thanks again for this wounderfull amazing tool :-)
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Re: Crom's crafting system

Post by cromcrom »

I added a basic skill system (novice;adept;master;legendary) for weaponsmith.
I created a new dungeon for the coming other skills: armorsmith, woodworker, cook.
I will try to add a "scavenge" option, so that it will be possible to turn items into basic components.

I am pretty happy, everything is going along pretty well :-)
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Re: Crom's crafting system

Post by Komag »

Nice! It's mods like these that have the potential to create a truly new experience rather than just more monster fighting and new puzzles (but those are good too)
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Re: Crom's crafting system

Post by cromcrom »

Thanks a lot Komag, it's my goal, really, to create a sort of "open ended" dungeon experience.
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Re: Crom's crafting system: The Lost Continent

Post by cromcrom »

A new release includes:
:arrow: A full area (although only part of it is actually full of active content (modified barrels and snails spawners)
:arrow: A crafting and learning area.
:arrow: Some custom skills: Woodworking (crafting skill , make bow, spears, arrows, torch); WeaponSmith (crafting skill, make iron weapons, melee and throwing); WoodCutting (gathering skill, increase chance to drop wood branch when destroying modified barrels)
:arrow: skills can be learnt in the Scholar quarter.
:arrow: You can craft items, having skills improve chance to succeed. (only woodworking and weaponsmithing for now)
:arrow: When you fail an action (like craftinf and gathering), there is a chance, if your will power is high enough, that you will gain a little bit of experience.
On Steam and Nexus (look for "crom" or "Lost continent") .
Steam download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... earchtext=
Nexus download: http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/11
Last edited by cromcrom on Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Playable WIP: The Lost Continent

Post by cromcrom »

Today's update includes:
:arrow: rebuild of the crafting scripts, to make them more convenient to use.
:arrow: Butchering skill (to increase chance to gather internal organs when killing things)
:arrow: Skinning skill (to increase chance to gather external organs (mostly leather) when killing things)
:arrow: Leathercraft skill (allows to craft leather armor, slings, sac, etc)
:arrow: Armorsmith skill (allows to create heavy armors mostly)
:arrow: Monster spawn limitations on the level.
:arrow: Some exploration in the first level (treasures, boss...)

released on Steam and Nexus
Steam download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... earchtext=
Nexus download: http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/11
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Re: WIP: The Lost Continent

Post by cromcrom »

INCOMING in next version:

:arrow: Create more of a "Den" feeling for some area in the level.
:arrow: Added Bosses that respawn regularly when dead, with unique loot, for some Hack n Slash Feeling.
:arrow: Added scavenging. You can change items (mostly the craftable ones for now) into raw components using the skill necessary to craft them. I might create a Scavenge skill tho...
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: added camping skill and camping stuff. Now, you wont be able to rest unless you activate some camping component (easy woodwork craft for now). The better your camping skill, the longer you will be able to rest for a used component.
:arrow: rebuilt some items thanks to the newly released asset pack. Thanks AlmostHuman :-)
:arrow: changed the current barrels (for wood gathering) into "living trees" (modified herder)
:arrow: Improved the overall game and the beginning of the game for a more exploration/RPG feeling.

Feedback would be really appreciated at this point :mrgreen:
Last edited by cromcrom on Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:19 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: WIP: The Lost Continent

Post by Darklord »

Good work! :)

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
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Re: [MOD] The Lost Continent

Post by cromcrom »

New release, check top of thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3190&p=32228#p32228
I hope you will enjoy.
Feedback welcome.
A trip of a thousand leagues starts with a step.
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