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One hell of a great game

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:37 pm
by Hedrosyrinx
Hi all,

I just want to thank to all creators and participants on this project. This is something i was waiting for a long time.
I am an oldschool player and games like Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder was my favorite game when I was young.
I am considering this game as true remake of those awesome games and find it really enjoyable. Specially in these days when all games are focus on super graphic and ultra super effects but they all missing the most important part - a joy from the play.

As old veteran i started game with hard difficulty on old school mode right from the start and by now I am passing 5ht floor. I must say that I am really amazed and the game really have the right spirit.

I wish you all best luck and I am looking forward for more dungeons to come.

BTW: Will I unlock some higher difficulty when I finish it on hard mode ? :)

Best Regards

Re: One hell of a great game

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:31 pm
by Darklord
Glad to hear it!

You may unlock an extra mode depends on what you do/find later in the game.
Toorum Mode

Re: One hell of a great game

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:06 pm
by Hedrosyrinx
Sounds great, thank you for quick reply.

Re: One hell of a great game

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:40 pm
by JeffC
I definately agree that this is the best oldschool (up-to-date) dungeon crawler that I have played in a very long time. My favorites were the EotB (Eye of the Beholder) triology and others very similar. Was wanting an updated graphics one of the EotB series and this game was it. Since I have finished this game... good and bad imo... I want more of it. I just found it was not enough for me and wanted more dungeons to explore. Awaiting the editor so that I can crawl into some more dungeons that people will be making. I just hope that they will have the great puzzle solving and thinking skills that were needed in The Legend of Grimrock dungeons. Thank you for the great experience with this game and I hope more to come in the future.


Re: One hell of a great game

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:33 pm
by Ruthless Reuban
As hardcore dungeon master veteran (played Chaos Strikes Back through without any deaths first try and with only one character) I can only be disappointed with this release. Chaos Strikes Back released 1989 (that is, 23 years ago!) and it is still better overall. Without any questions, all following are done much better on CSB (btw, you can play CSBWin on new computers, it is completly 1:1 conversion of old CSB with some shortcut additions and so on)

CSB wins:

- Much better magic system
- Character level up is better, altough you do not have that much choices
- Dungeons are smaller but much more entertaining
- Enemies do damage but with skill, you can beat even hard opponents stand and fight style (you really need skill though)
- Puzzles are much better
- You cannot start with one character

What can I say? I cannot see any other reason than better graphics to prefer Grimrock over CSBWin.

Re: One hell of a great game

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:24 pm
by leewroy
Hello to you all.

Just passing by to say thanks for this game. I really loved it, gets me addicted :D
Can't wait for the modules and/or a sequel, it will be awesome!

Hats off for the creators, and thanks once again from a fan in Brazil :mrgreen:

Re: One hell of a great game

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 11:49 am
by Scherer
Just want to add my compliments about this game! Like Hedro I loved to play this kind of games a decade ago with a friend of mine. But after Beholder there was no game like that and the situation didn't seem to change ever again. So we were totally surprised to see Grimrock! :D

And guys, you made everything right! You took the best features from the dungeron crawlers of the past and added the right features of the future. A perfect mix! We really love it!

The only disadvantage is that the game's so short. Yesterday we finished it and thus hope for a very soon supply of additional levels and scenarios.

Thuuuuumbs up!! :D