I thing this is spoiler .When I enter that teleported and pull the chain there wooden door just open not even half way,I can see bottom ,that there is a Snail but then it turn me toward the devil face and I can even get out from there.I try many times and also try to click twice on that chain,nothing helped,That teleported suppose to move me several times but it didn’t only twice,toward the door and chain & devil face,mean time I only heard doors closing.So I vent on U tube and watch the video walkthrough about this.over there the guy get transferred several times and then doors open and he fight Snail.But in my case doors open just partly and I facing that devil face that’s all.So I’m stuck there and can finish the game.2nd. In the hall where you suppose to press 4 buttons,so fare I manage 3 buttons and on 4th one I fall to pit.Game is excellent but they should in same difficult places create alternative solution,like some other RPG games,other ways you’re stuck and that is a end of the game,because without of 4th round key or that swrd of nex
PS:Why can U change a setting only when U start the game from easy,normal and hard option and any help or advice will be appreciated thanks’
Lev.6 Sequecies teleporter pazzle
Re: Lev.6 Sequecies teleporter pazzle
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Coders don't die, they just gosub without return
Coders don't die, they just gosub without return