This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
so you've tried to get the Sword of Nex or to open the iron door on level 7 a hundred times, but you haven't succeeded yet?
You're fed up to the back teeth and you're about to ditch the game?
No need to worry...just send me your savegame and I'll do the puzzle for you - free of charge! Just include me in your prayers
(edit) This offer includes any other puzzle in LoG.
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Last edited by PSY on Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Hi !
I did lover my resolution and others to medium.I also click each move ,not to hold a arrows down .But didn't notice improvement in a speed,so fare I manage 3 buttons but on 3rd one sunset I press it I felt down to the pit. I tried this for 2 days now, so despite the fact that I love this game I’m on the verge to give it up.To Almost human designers only this ,you should make those pitfalls doors close little bit longer fore those who choose slow or medium seting,or make alternative ways to progress this game as some others RPG games do. I don't remember on the start what I choose ,slow ,normal sething but how can you change this option after words?I try but you can’t get to this option after you start the game and play.So maybe they should thing about this in new patch, fore those who are not that fast with there's fingers.We are not all of as masters with the keyboard. Sam1942