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Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 4:32 am
by Brodie301
Read in another thread that there is a note that gives combo where is the note located ?
I'm halfway thru lv8 but would like to open that door.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:22 am
by PSY
There is no combo for the level 7 iron door.

It works like breakout. The demon faces will fire 30 magic 'missiles'. You have to catch all of them. After that, the iron door will open.
You miss a missile, game starts over ^^

Make sure you are not overloaded while doing this challenge.


Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:36 am
by Brodie301
Yeah found how it works myself. But was reading threads not looking at spoilers and one of them said there is a note with the order of light bolts. Don't want to know the 1 2 3 from spoilers or video was just wondering if the note was real. I get halfway thru and forget sequence.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:10 am
by Empyrean
Don't worry about memorizing a sequence. It's not hard to clear it by reflex, like a bona fide Dungeon Hero.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:14 pm
by Uther
Not hard, as long as you have the manual dexterity of a teenager.

I liked this game because I played the original dungeonmaster when it was released in the 80's, so am not so young.
Dungeonmaster had lots of puzzles but did not rely so much millisecond perfect key presses.

I liked this game in the beginning but I am beginning to get frustrated because I find many of the timing puzzles impossible.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:50 pm
by Billick
Also, if you're having trouble with this one, try turning down your graphics settings. I banged my head on this for about a half hour with no success. After turning everything down to low, I was able to do it pretty easily.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:58 pm
by rakenan
Uther wrote:Not hard, as long as you have the manual dexterity of a teenager.

I liked this game because I played the original dungeonmaster when it was released in the 80's, so am not so young.
Dungeonmaster had lots of puzzles but did not rely so much millisecond perfect key presses.

I liked this game in the beginning but I am beginning to get frustrated because I find many of the timing puzzles impossible.
The game could really use a split difficulty level, so people who are fine with tough combat but just cannot do timed puzzles can get a game that's playable across the board - and vice versa, of course. As it stands, difficulty level has no effect on timed puzzles, which probably contributes to the frustration so many people seem to feel on those areas. There is essentially no slack in the timers at the moment, which feels awfully punishing even on normal, and is borderline absurd on easy.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:55 pm
by Brodie301
I disagree I don't want this dumbed or slowed down at all. I'll get it open there is no doubt. Was just wondering if the note was real or not since I've looked and looked for it.

When AH makes more dungeons or expansions or sequel, not user mods, I hope the the puzzles and combat is just as sinister as the original.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:23 pm
by Draken
Brodie301 wrote:I disagree I don't want this dumbed or slowed down at all. I'll get it open there is no doubt. Was just wondering if the note was real or not since I've looked and looked for it.

When AH makes more dungeons or expansions or sequel, not user mods, I hope the the puzzles and combat is just as sinister as the original.
maybe you are mistaken by another note from another puzzle. there's no note that "describe the sequence of the white missiles"... there is a note in level 9, i think, that describes a path to be taken in a particularly infuriating hallway, i think that's the one you are mistaken with.

Re: Level 7 Iron Door Note

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:34 pm
by \/4n!ll4 ][c3
there are only 2 sequence puzzles that have the solution handed to you, both of which are on level 9, but i think the reason they are is because getting past them is required, and one of them would be damn near impossible to figure out on your own.