Still here are some ideas, to improve the game in a possible Sequel:
1)Outside locations with beautiful environments like in The Witcher 2.

- a) This means also a bit larger environments and with changing weather conditions(like raining, cloudy sky, sun, maybe even snowing in some locations).
- b) Currently max dungeon width is around 10 squares, considering outside environments should have higher visibility conditions(at least in bright sunny day), you could go to 12-14 squares maintaining FOV.
- c) Maybe slightly different FOV or camera angle for the bigger outside environments.
- d) Cities with Taverns for Hiring already prebuilt characters (like in the Ishar Trilogy) possibility to buy stuff or trade stuff, maybe selling the treasures found in this chapter to make a bit of money to start in the sequel.
- e)Possiblity to dismiss, assassinate a party member like in Ishar.
2)Random events/enemies (not always but maybe in the outskirts) and loot, with magical items(that must be identified by a Magician Spell), random passing caravans near cities(or in the outskirt) for trading.
- a)Trading system, with gems, gold, silver coins.
- b)Quests scripted and partially random(Get me these ingredients Example XY wolves/other animal or beast fur/eyes/teeth and I'll give you ring/amulet/weapon/tool/potion/scroll).
3)Quickslots for potions (which currently are very tough to use, and for spells at least not needing to reselect all the runes to cast same spell) - These are a must

- a) The numbers in the keyboard should be used for quick slots not for Characters Inventories (For those F1-F4 should be better) at least give us 2 quickslots for Energy and Health like in Diablo)
- b) More hotkeys
4)More Classes, like druids(beast self-transformation...Bear, and low level enemy transformation), clerics(turn undead...)...

5)A medallion to find secrets more easily, like the Wolf medallion (from The Witcher 2) but with a limited number of charges and high price to recharge for not abusing to solve the riddles(wich are very cool right now).

6)Magical Traps (possibility to 1-Create them, 2-Detect Them 3-Disable them for the Mage class).

7)Mages, Druids should cast spells by saying something out loud.

8)New dungeon types, like Caverns (with Dome shaped environments, currently only Cube shape is available), descending in Wells, Crypts, Ruins, outskirt (Woods, Forests, Jungles,Ghost Cities).
These are the most important things for an improved sequel, and IMHO they wouldn't be too much difficult to implement, for the rest the game is already very cool, for the actual price.