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How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:57 pm
by Disasterrific
Just a fun thread to see how many different ways of deliberately losing the game there are. There are a few very minor spoilers along the lines of "you need an item for a pressure pad at this point in the game."


If you're determined to be stupid you can try and close doors and run through before they shut, trapping yourself forever. I think there might be a lot of these... The iron door on level 10 is one of the most obvious and funnier candidates.

At the very first pressure pad you could throw all items in the 1st level through the door.

1st level again - you could put all your items including the key to progress in the alcove on the other side of the first pit.

On the teleport puzzle, if you solve it, then throw every single item in the first three levels of the game away on the other side, then jump in the teleporter. This one would take some dedication.

On level 4 time and tide, you can switch the missile weapon with an ordinary item, then dump all your missiles on the far side.

If you're determined you could do stuff like throw the key you find across the pits in level 3.

I haven't tried, but there must be a way of locking yourself the wrong side of the checkered room by throwing stuff. If you haven't got all the items you need for that level then you'll never get any further.

Throwing the red gem through the door might be possible although the timing looks quite tight.


Some people have got stuck in the tomb of the designers but unfortunately you can throw things as you fall down the pit, giving you the required distance.

Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:25 pm
by Mychaelh
If you want to be 'determined to be stupid', you could also just saw off your hands with this before playing:

Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:29 pm
by Darklord
Stand still in the dark near any enemies and close your eyes? But wait if you don't see your death did it happen? Just keep your eyes closed and believe! :lol:


Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:05 pm
by Bees
Mychaelh wrote:If you want to be 'determined to be stupid', you could also just saw off your hands with this before playing:
I tried that, but still managed to make it to floor 11 before passing out. Further proof that today's games are dumbed down for the masses. Not like real old school games where cutting off your hands with a table saw really screwed you over.

Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:44 pm
by BlueLegion
Darklord wrote:Stand still in the dark near any enemies and close your eyes? But wait if you don't see your death did it happen? Just keep your eyes closed and believe! :lol:

Become Schroedinger's Cat 101

Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:03 pm
by oodyboo
open a command prompt and type "echo y|format c:"

Wait until you get another prompt and in most cases, you will lose the game.

Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:38 am
by Marco
oodyboo wrote:open a command prompt and type "echo y|format c:"

Wait until you get another prompt and in most cases, you will lose the game.
Would that still work on Windows XP/Vista/7? Or do they have some built-in safety thing or other to keep people from doing something like that.

Obviously, I'd never try it just to find out.... :roll:


Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:12 pm
by Dhauntyr
I think there are probably 42 ways of losing altogether. ;)

Re: How many ways are there to lose the game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:29 pm
by Thels
Disasterrific wrote:I haven't tried, but there must be a way of locking yourself the wrong side of the checkered room by throwing stuff. If you haven't got all the items you need for that level then you'll never get any further.

Throwing the red gem through the door might be possible although the timing looks quite tight.
Actually, doors seem to be closed the moment they are closing, so this wouldn't work. However, I thought of 2 ways to get stuck here:

1) Lure two Ice Lizards back into the checkered room. Take away the object on the middle square and one on the sides. Lure the ice lizards so that they stand on those two plates, and then run out of the room. The moment one of the Ice Lizards moves, the door will close, and the chance of the Ice Lizards visiting both those squares at random at the same time is very small.

2) Take every single item on the level and drop them somewhere before the checkered room, along with all your own equipment. Place objects on 5 plates, but not the plate in front of the door. Stand on the plate in front of the door, and the door will open. Pass through the door, and it will close behind you.