infos here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Warloc ... p_Mountain
I think it could be nice to adapt the book to grimrock. a nintendo ds game exists as well, but I haven't play it.
here is a map of the actual dungeon (in french), as in the book:

it's a classical dungeon, with people living into it, monsters, traps, and some merchants.
off course, some traps/events have to be different (like the river, merchants, werewolf...), but I think we can make it. I haven't finish grimrock yet (lvl5 and taking my time and enjoy every step in this dungeon!) I don't know if there is warlock monster, or some of the monsters (as the dragon of the book) can be modded but for now I plan to make it with what we have, and just do the design of the dungeon itself. it could be very nice to have a dragon, but maybe it's too complicated to mod or to get it into these tiny halls...
some halls have to be added, to break linearity from the book, but you can get the idea of it!
so if you're interested into this "mod project" let me know here!