Once I've completed the game, do I have the option of keeping the same characters for the next play through? I'm asking because I have reached what I suspect is very close to the end of the game (I'm avoiding looking at walkthroughs, so I'm not sure). I'm trying to decide if I should just go ahead and finish the game, or play around a bit longer, looking for secrets I've missed and mining experience points in some of the monster-regenerating areas, just to see how well some of those upper level skills work. If I get to keep my characters for the next game, then I will just go ahead and try to finish.
End of game question (no spoilers)
Re: End of game question (no spoilers)
You can't replay the game with your leveled characters. (But whether or not you can use leveled characters for future campaigns or user mods remains to be seen though.)
Re: End of game question (no spoilers)
Fingers crossed!Bees wrote:You can't replay the game with your leveled characters. (But whether or not you can use leveled characters for future campaigns or user mods remains to be seen though.)

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...