gambit37 wrote:seebs wrote:Back in the day, we also used to just make fun of the handicapped.
What a
lovely person you must be.

A ridiculous comment that has nothing to do with this conversation.
First, I realize that this thread dates back a few weeks, but I find it to still be quite relavent.
Seebs point, I do believe, is that there are people with physical handicaps that make playing the game
difficult due to their hardship. As a society, we've progressed to a point where a person is not simply left behind (in most leisure activities) because they have arthritis, limited motor functions, etc...
I play the guitar, bass and keyboard (rather well, too). I type an average of 90 wpm. I'm a sysadmin by trade. I have one hand -- left hand at that.
My point here is that I have overcome a physical hardship to do something I find enjoyable (playing instruments) and build the physical skills (fast, accurate typing) to pursue a technical career. I'm an older gamer (40). I enjoy well crafted games: solid FPS's, RPG's, etc... I play WoW with my lover (granted, she enjoys it more than I do) and I play on multiple platforms (console and PC). But, there are certain types of games that are near impossible for me to play because I physically cannot (mostly console, but occasionally control schemes on the PC are simply too restrictive/unintuitive due to my lack of a hand).
By your initial logic, I should just stick it out (which I am, I'm enjoying LoG for the most part) and not wish that the game had been designed with more play options which would increase my enjoyment.
But, the game would be more enjoyable for me if I weren't dancing all over due to the clunky feeling of hybrid key/mouse interaction. Even allowing me to rely solely on keyboard alone would be helpful; but turn based combat would be aces (not to mention, give it more of a tactical feel that would transform the game into more of a thinker and less of a twitcher).
I bought this via GOG the other day (got it working via a wrapper), I'll buy it again when it comes out for the Mac (so I can drop the clunky Wine framework) and I plan on buying a couple of copies for friends this weekend. I appreciate the craftsmanship of the game and I love supporting hard working indy developers with my hard earned dollars.
All that said, when I come to a section of the forum dedicated to game modding (specifically looking for this topic); I'd have expected to see a more thorough discussion related to game modding and not to 'just practice so you don't suck at life'.
FWIW, this is the worst time of the year for me to even think of non-work related projects; but I'm tempted to look deeper into the modding side of the game. If this is a possibility without being too messy, I might stop playing and start coding. This game would rock (even harder) as a solid turn based combat game.