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Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:37 am
by Foonchacha
Hello, first time poster, love the game. Have a problem.
I am an old school D&D'er. I would spend plenty of time fanboying this game, as I love it. It has become a nervous tick for me to load up and play a bit here and there through the day. However, there is ONE major problem I have with it- Escape. I have search the forums and found nothing already on this- perhaps I am a bad searcher. If there isn't a request about this then please let this be the first.
When I am searching through a player inventory/skillsheet/stats, I like to do what it is I do, then hit escape, close the inventory and go back to the game. Currently I hit escape and get the menu. This is SOOOO frustrating. So I exit that then fumble around trying to find the 1-4 button that can close the inventory I am on, or mouse click the X. I realize this is a petty concern. But playing most games you can "escape" the inventory and re-enter the game mode. This would be a marked improvement if the escape button was used to back out of inventory.
So, that's my grief. After that I would only like to say, thank you to the programmers and the concept guys here. This game is a pleasant throw back and an awesome "in your face!" to all the action packed drudgery out there. I have jumped out of my seat more than once or twice turning a 90 degree into a mob kicking me in the twig and berries. You guys have created a beautiful blend between modern gaming and old school feel. Looking forward to the next installment.
Back to rooms,
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:46 am
by citizengrim
Foonchacha wrote:Hello, first time poster, love the game. Have a problem.
I am an old school D&D'er. I would spend plenty of time fanboying this game, as I love it. It has become a nervous tick for me to load up and play a bit here and there through the day. However, there is ONE major problem I have with it- Escape. I have search the forums and found nothing already on this- perhaps I am a bad searcher. If there isn't a request about this then please let this be the first.
When I am searching through a player inventory/skillsheet/stats, I like to do what it is I do, then hit escape, close the inventory and go back to the game. Currently I hit escape and get the menu. This is SOOOO frustrating. So I exit that then fumble around trying to find the 1-4 button that can close the inventory I am on, or mouse click the X. I realize this is a petty concern. But playing most games you can "escape" the inventory and re-enter the game mode. This would be a marked improvement if the escape button was used to back out of inventory.
So, that's my grief. After that I would only like to say, thank you to the programmers and the concept guys here. This game is a pleasant throw back and an awesome "in your face!" to all the action packed drudgery out there. I have jumped out of my seat more than once or twice turning a 90 degree into a mob kicking me in the twig and berries. You guys have created a beautiful blend between modern gaming and old school feel. Looking forward to the next installment.
Back to rooms,
It will be added on the next patch where you are able to hit esc after opening character tab. In the mean time, adapt to it. We are human last time I check, and we can adapt. If everyone else can adapt getting use to button 1-4 then surely u can instead of complaining.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:05 am
by Jordan
I just click on the section with the character portrait and health/energy bars to open and close. There is the big X at the top right if your cursor is closer.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:04 am
by Foonchacha
Foonchacha wrote:It will be added on the next patch where you are able to hit esc after opening character tab. In the mean time, adapt to it. We are human last time I check, and we can adapt. If everyone else can adapt getting use to button 1-4 then surely u can instead of complaining.
Please tell me you are not involved in the games development. If you are, you're off to a sorry start. Complaints, trivial or otherwise, should be viewed with interest and acceptance, particularly when they are not substanceless, "This game is stupid" remarks. I enjoy the game. It was an observation that I was making to improve ease of play. Adapting is a forgone conclusion is it not? I am playing the game, I am "enjoying" the game. Obviously I have adapted. And yes, to respond to the ridiculous remark, I am human as are you. If you are, in fact, a dev or at the very least part of the company that has produced this game, you should be more receptive to comments that may help produce a better experience when playing the game. Since the next patch will include this modification, it can be assumed this was a legit issue. Having said that, for my own future reference and to spare you from trolling your own forums, how would you recommend suggestions like this be posted? I suspect, your response will be "Shut up and play the game." in which case you are obviously doomed for success and I will drop out of this conversation so you can dedicate your valuable time educating many others on how to adjust to this companies policies.
Your turn.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:18 am
by Curunir
Edgy much, bro?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:34 am
by Kthanid
@Foonchacha, Relax, chief... Your complaint is already being addressed in the upcoming patch. Dial it down a notch and have a beer or something.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:52 am
by Draken
Foochacha is right on being pissed... It was a legitimate concern, and a legitimate query to get something fixed; which is in the list of changes for the upcoming patch, which Citizengrim no doubt mentioned, but then went on an extra mile and say rude stuff to the guy; at least in my screen it came out as rude, i dont know about you guys.
going back to the topic. I stand on a luke-warm ground here, because i sometimes hit Esc (with the char screens on, mostly in between battles) with the intention of, you know, bringing up the main menu to pause the game. but some other times i hit Esc because i forget, and want to close, let's say, the mage's inventory (slot 4, im always having a hard time finding that 4) so i can pull on the chain on the right side of my screen and end up bringing the menu...
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:32 pm
by Foonchacha
On the contrary, guys. I am not uptight. I just don't enjoy people responding to a post with a credible comment and explanation(which he did) and then topping it off with some low-brow smart ass remark. I later looked at his post count and as low as it is, I imagine he is not speaking for the company.
Anyway, I am looking forward to the next patch. Thanks to the O.R. for the information.
And, come to think of it, I will have a beer!
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:37 pm
by gambit37
@Foonchacha: Citizengrim does not speak for the company who produced the game. They are all far nicer than that and wouldn't ever say something like that to a customer. Staff members are identified by their forum name shown in red underneath their portrait.
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:39 pm
by Darklord
Yep this has been addressed in the coming patch, not long now.