Player Comment(s)
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:14 am
I've thoroughly enjoyed Legend Of Grimrock...decided registration on the forum was worth saying just that. Pc gaming has changed so dramatically in the last decade alone; playing a game crafted by developers who "get it" -- bringing back some of the challenges and wonders of gaming yesteryear -- is really fantastic. With luck, such titles--Rpgs in particular--will become a trend. I tell you, after solving one of the more challenging puzzles in Grimrock, I actually miss the attempts made at completing it and wish I had made a separate save prior so I could give it another go. Coupled with the thick, palpable atmosphere in LoG, the excellent combat encounters with well rendered creatures (I died often in game while admiring the enemies), I've not a had a better gaming experience in some time. Many thanks to the developers--looking forward to the next descent into gloom filled doom.