This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
I found it rather challenging on Hard mode (at least without the proper preparation), so I made a vid using some strategies that helped me kill all those pesky Scavengers. I did lose the mage near the end as I didn't swap potions and I made some Frost Bomb timing errors since the freeze doesn't stack up which I didn't realize at the time, but I'm too lazy to repeat it. Characters were level 9, so I wasn't backtracking from deeper levels with better equipment. Hope someone finds it helpful
I can only think of two things I could add for others who are attempting this:
IF you have a Rogue and Mage - put the rogue on the outer corner and the mage on the inner corner - they have more life and chances are better armor / evasion
Power potions - your mage was kinda useless after they ran out of frost bombs and energy
I did the fighter's challenge on hard too, ended up working my way to the same corner you stood in. Though,.. my mage and rouge in the back row died instantly in 1-2 hits, then shortly before I got in the corner my Minotaur followed my mage and rouge to the grave… I soloed the whole fighter's challenge with my evasion rouge using speed potions and occasionally a healing potion here and there, my rouges evasion is so high I dodge about 95% of all attacks, its kinda broken xD
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Mystina Valeth wrote:I did the fighter's challenge on hard too, ended up working my way to the same corner you stood in. Though,.. my mage and rouge in the back row died instantly in 1-2 hits, then shortly before I got in the corner my Minotaur followed my mage and rouge to the grave… I soloed the whole fighter's challenge with my evasion rouge using speed potions and occasionally a healing potion here and there, my rouges evasion is so high I dodge about 95% of all attacks, its kinda broken xD
Yeah, evasion works far too good. 4 Minotaur rogues with Unarmed (and Reach Attack for the back row) don't even need to drink pots on this, they just melt it.