After playing Dungeon Master in 1988 and having a rope to climb down into pits with I found it odd that there didn't seem to be one anywhere in the Grimrock dungeon. Even ripping some vines off the wall and tying them together would have worked.
Falling down into a pit and taking damage is one thing but you should be able to get a rope or something and climb down willingly without the damage and the screaming... My wife jumped out of her chair every time I investigated a pit. It was amusing to watch for a while but I'm a bit bummed I never found some rope.
Where's the rope?
Re: Where's the rope?
Totally agreed. I feel that as a matter of design philosophy, it ought to be possible to get everything and find everything without taking damage if you are careful enough.
Re: Where's the rope?
There is a rope you just need to find it.
It's a well-hidden secret.
It's a well-hidden secret.
Or I could be a lying troll.
Re: Where's the rope?
+1 for rope, probably as a reward in a secret area. Maybe in LoG2