Surprised by the young.
Surprised by the young.
When I first found and started to follow LOG, I always thought that it would gain a cult following of older gamers. So I am surprised to see how the younger gamers have reacted to LOG. They seem to love it, lap it up in fact, regardless of your Skyrim's, Battlefield's and Mass Effect's.
I would like to ask the young in our community, those first timers to dungeon crawlers, what was the attraction that had you drop your Call of duty and take on the dungeon challenge?
I would like to ask the young in our community, those first timers to dungeon crawlers, what was the attraction that had you drop your Call of duty and take on the dungeon challenge?
Dungeon Legend about the Master of Grimrock
Re: Surprised by the young.
Dungeon Crawlers is not really a young vs old mind set. To be honest I would believe anyone that is into strategy or turn based combat (yes grim is not turn based but its is fairly close) would find something enjoyable about Grimrock. Also there really is nothing close to Grimrock around that is new and shiny. I hate to admit it but trying to get someone into Dungeon Master that is used to modern games is a really hard sell. First thing they complain about is the graphics.Dandy wrote:When I first found and started to follow LOG, I always thought that it would gain a cult following of older gamers. So I am surprised to see how the younger gamers have reacted to LOG. They seem to love it, lap it up in fact, regardless of your Skyrim's, Battlefield's and Mass Effect's.
I would like to ask the young in our community, those first timers to dungeon crawlers, what was the attraction that had you drop your Call of duty and take on the dungeon challenge?
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
Re: Surprised by the young.
I guess I had it in my head that they wouldn't adapt to the environment, that it would not have enough wow factor for them to be in the least bit interested.
I also guess that I was wrong.
I also guess that I was wrong.

Dungeon Legend about the Master of Grimrock
Re: Surprised by the young.
Its because of the mind set. I would hazard to guess these are the same sorts that love puzzle games or enjoy a little chess from time to time.Dandy wrote:I guess I had it in my head that they wouldn't adapt to the environment, that it would not have enough wow factor for them to be in the least bit interested.
I also guess that I was wrong.
Don't underestimate the youth many of them are just as intellectual as the old.
Me I'm middle aged. I enjoy games like these a lot. Heck I remember playing DM on the atria pc I believe it was when I was a munchkin. But I enjoy my far share of FPS shoot em ups too.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
Re: Surprised by the young.
You need to define young maybe (I'm 27), but I'm replying anyway since I've played every COD title for an insane number of hours.
I never played those classical crawlers as a kid, even though the genre fascinated me in my late teens. I found EOB way too difficult to handle, especially without a manual, so I just gave up. Then several years later I got so fed up with "story-heavy" RPGs or regular Diablo clones, I just had to play a pure dungeon crawl, sort of like a roguelike, but with all the trappings of EOB.
I ended up playing some Lands of Lore 1 in ScummVM but the weapon/armor-corroding slimes in one early dungeon made me rage-quit and never touch LOL again even though I loved it up to that point.
Now by the time of Grimrock's release I've already put about 300 hundred hours into Modern Warfare 3 and sadly the game isn't getting any better, so seeing that finally after years of waiting, someone made a modern first-person crawler, pre-ordering it was a no-brainer.
Luckily for me, I love the game intensely. I'm about halfway through and even though many puzzles give me grief (because I have a hard time figuring them out), I love the ride.
I never played those classical crawlers as a kid, even though the genre fascinated me in my late teens. I found EOB way too difficult to handle, especially without a manual, so I just gave up. Then several years later I got so fed up with "story-heavy" RPGs or regular Diablo clones, I just had to play a pure dungeon crawl, sort of like a roguelike, but with all the trappings of EOB.
I ended up playing some Lands of Lore 1 in ScummVM but the weapon/armor-corroding slimes in one early dungeon made me rage-quit and never touch LOL again even though I loved it up to that point.
Now by the time of Grimrock's release I've already put about 300 hundred hours into Modern Warfare 3 and sadly the game isn't getting any better, so seeing that finally after years of waiting, someone made a modern first-person crawler, pre-ordering it was a no-brainer.
Luckily for me, I love the game intensely. I'm about halfway through and even though many puzzles give me grief (because I have a hard time figuring them out), I love the ride.
Re: Surprised by the young.
Not all young gamers play those games you mentioned. I'm 17 myself and I've never touched Battlefield, CoD I've only tried a bit and found it rubbish, ME is ultra-boring, and Skyrim is a rather mediocre experience. Aside from LoG, I've lately enjoyed Crusader Kings II a lot.Dandy wrote:When I first found and started to follow LOG, I always thought that it would gain a cult following of older gamers. So I am surprised to see how the younger gamers have reacted to LOG. They seem to love it, lap it up in fact, regardless of your Skyrim's, Battlefield's and Mass Effect's.
I would like to ask the young in our community, those first timers to dungeon crawlers, what was the attraction that had you drop your Call of duty and take on the dungeon challenge?

What made me interested in Grimrock? The first time I saw the game, the gameplay style simply catched my attention and made me want to try it out. I'd somewhere seen games like this before, but never played them. Also the athmospheric environment and the fact that it's made by Finnish devs (I'm from Finland myself) made me interested.

Re: Surprised by the young.
I think it's great for many reasons, one of which, is that, it's the youth that have the power to shape tomorrows games, and once they've had a taste of game-play they will demand more. That has to be a good thing for both young and old alike. 

Dungeon Legend about the Master of Grimrock
- Posts: 82
- Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:19 pm
Re: Surprised by the young.
Oh yes, realtime combat is fairly close to turnbased combat.Saice wrote:To be honest I would believe anyone that is into strategy or turn based combat (yes grim is not turn based but its is fairly close)

Re: Surprised by the young.
I'm 24 years old and there's one dungeon crawler I played in my youth - Betrayal in Antara, which I haven't been able to run properly for years because it just runs too fast on new computers.
Grimrock reminded me of the dungeon parts of that game and its mechanics seemed very different from most games I played in recent years.
I think that after I finish Grimrock, I might check out some other classics mentioned on this forum with Dungeon Hack first on the list.
Grimrock reminded me of the dungeon parts of that game and its mechanics seemed very different from most games I played in recent years.
I think that after I finish Grimrock, I might check out some other classics mentioned on this forum with Dungeon Hack first on the list.
Re: Surprised by the young.
It's not exactly realtime. You have to wait between attacks and the monsters attack at intervals. If you compare it to, say, Skyrim - it doesn't feel fully real time.HeavyMetalMonk wrote:Oh yes, realtime combat is fairly close to turnbased combat.Saice wrote:To be honest I would believe anyone that is into strategy or turn based combat (yes grim is not turn based but its is fairly close)