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Please add a sound on this puzzle

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:21 am
by bropalm
Ok, I was just playing the game on level 10, trying to figure out the lever puzzle there (5 levers with pillars in front of them).

I spent over an hour trying to figure this puzzle out, but guess what, the correct solution was one of the first things I tried! However, because there wasn't an audible sound here when you put the levers correctly I assumed it was wrong. I was listening for the sound of the pit closing, or a click sound or something!

VERY annoying. I guess I should've gone and looked at the pit, if it had closed, but as I said I expected a sound. There has always been a sound or something earlier in the game so I just assumed there would be one here too. I guess the pit closing maybe did make a sound but it was too far away for me to hear it... usually it's a big thud, isn't it?

Was this a deliberate design decision? If yes, then what the hell were you thinking Almost Human? :shock:

If not, then please add a sound here. :)

Re: Please add a sound on this puzzle

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:34 am
by gambit37
There is a sound, you're just too far away to hear it :)

Re: Please add a sound on this puzzle

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:45 am
by bropalm
Yeah I figured that was the case. Quite annoying this, I wasted an hour when I could've been done in 5 minutes. It wasn't a hard puzzle after you find Toorum's note.

By the end I was counting empty spaces from the pillars to the nearest southern wall, and tried to use that as the order to pull the levers... I tried all kinds of weird theories. :roll:

Developers, please put a sound at the levers.

Re: Please add a sound on this puzzle

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:19 am
by Patchumz
I just did this an hour ago and I agree, I too thought I had it wrong and changed it, then later I just manually checked the trap door after every combo and got it. Silly thing.

Re: Please add a sound on this puzzle

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:26 am
by Saice
Or at lest have it unleash a mob of some sort. I spent a lot of time trying combos and then running around the level to see if anything opened.