So what are you party are you planning for your first play through? I'm thinking Old School mode, and a party comprising of,
Sir Horny - A powerful and noble Male Minotaur Fighter, he will be heavily armoured with a massive weapon!

Kang the Merciless - An agile Male Lizardman Fighter he will concentrate on Dual Weapons, and will carve enemies to bits, lightning fast while dodging incoming blows!
Bella-Donna - An incredibly dexterous Female Human Rogue, she will focus on bow and arrows, being sneaky and making the odd potion/poison.

Krxxxzt "The old one" The powerful Insectoid Mage (male/female, who knows?!) He/she will master the arcane arts, bringing death and destruction to all! He/she may occasionally heal the rest of the party after they have been hurt that mostly depends on if he/she feels like it or not!
Please share what party you will use to enter the deep dark depths of GRIMROCK!
