Thoughts, Suggestions, and Hopes from completionists.
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:32 pm
Figured I'd open up a thread for those who have completed the game and want to toss out there ideas and thoughts. I'd still suggest anything that specificaly spoils* something in game to have a spoiler tag.
Thoughts: amazing job devs! was very happy with the game, took me about 25 hours gameplay to beat it hard, no map. I like what I think was a variety of AI for the mobs, there were some that would always walk into an adjacent square, and then turn to hit me, and others who would rotate facing, and then move into the adjacent square. It was nice to see!
Looking forward to the "create your own" part, I'm toying with the idea of making a 2-player dungeon...the idea being there are 2 dungeons being played by two people at the same time with which parts of each require hints or clues from the other. Hence two people can play in Skype or something, playing at the same time with the mutual goal of get everyone out alive.
Suggestions: there is a graphical bug you may want to investigate, it's nothing big; when there is a double hook(which may or may not have a chain between the two) on a wall in the second encountered dungeon environment the right hook's mounting plate seems to be clipping through a wall brick.
This ones linked to the very end of the game, so don't read it if you haven't beaten!
A couple more mob variaties, or even just a few different skins for the ones in there that we could tweek the abilites of for the "create your own" part.
such as
Again, Awesome amazing job Dev's! I look forward to seeing your creation develop. 
Thoughts: amazing job devs! was very happy with the game, took me about 25 hours gameplay to beat it hard, no map. I like what I think was a variety of AI for the mobs, there were some that would always walk into an adjacent square, and then turn to hit me, and others who would rotate facing, and then move into the adjacent square. It was nice to see!
Looking forward to the "create your own" part, I'm toying with the idea of making a 2-player dungeon...the idea being there are 2 dungeons being played by two people at the same time with which parts of each require hints or clues from the other. Hence two people can play in Skype or something, playing at the same time with the mutual goal of get everyone out alive.
Suggestions: there is a graphical bug you may want to investigate, it's nothing big; when there is a double hook(which may or may not have a chain between the two) on a wall in the second encountered dungeon environment the right hook's mounting plate seems to be clipping through a wall brick.
This ones linked to the very end of the game, so don't read it if you haven't beaten!
When you release the "create your own dungeon" part, possibly consider adding in the ability to turn off mob AI and give them specific pathing instructions. I say this because the end boss guy with his instant death effect would be amazing for tunnels/hallways where you want the players to dodge and perform timed maneuvers... or just chase them down a long hallway indiana style.
A couple more mob variaties, or even just a few different skins for the ones in there that we could tweek the abilites of for the "create your own" part.
such as
Ice lizards with a red skin for fire lizards, or green for poison lizards(which you could give the poisonbolt ability at range), that sort of thing