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Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:45 pm
by Sorez
Pretty simple question, but I felt like messing around on Grimrock 2 again and maybe make a dungeon, but I wanted to use custom tilesets for them this time.
I downloaded a bunch of them, but I'm not sure where to put them now, to be seen in the editor for me to create the dungeon. If anyone can guide me where to put them and how to import them into the editor please do.
Another question is, if I want to upload the dungeon to the steam workshop, due to it having custom tilesets, do I have to do something special instead of normally uploading it, or can I just upload the dungeon as it is from the editor?
These are pretty simple to most of you guys, but I haven't really tinkered with custom stuff for the second game at all since it's release but I really want to try at it again maybe.
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:09 pm
by Isaac
The answer to both questions is one-in-the-same. Tile-sets (like any custom asset), need to be in your editor project folder, the one made by the editor with the map. Depending on the tile-set, it will be in it's own [plugin] folder, and/or in the objects folder. Best to read any instruction that came with the tile-set.
The assets themselves must first be defined in order to have them in the editor (or the game). It is [almost] certain that the tile-set came with these definitions in a lua script, and very likely that you will only need to add a single line to your project's init.lua script, to include all of the tiles-set definitions.
This is usually located [under Windows OS] in the user's documents folder>> Almost Human>> Legend of Grimrock 2>> Dungeons>>(the name of your mod)>> 'mod_assets/scripts/init.lua'
Typically, the line to insert has the location of the tile-set script, and might look like this:
include "mod_assets/scripts/(whatever the name of the tile-set script is).lua"
However, if the tile-set author arranged the asset collection in its own specific folder, then the line should give that location and script exactly. It will still be in the mod_assets folder.
Once the tile sets are seen in the editor, then the editor will handle the export of them when you export your map.
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:38 pm
by Sorez
Ah, so I can just freely make a map and when I want to add a new tileset that fits with my map's design I can just add it easily into the folder the editor makes, great!
Isaac wrote:
Once the tile sets are seen in the editor, then the editor will handle the export of them when you export your map.
So once I export the finished map, it will have all of the custom content readily in it for the steam workshop upload, and people won't have to download anything extra at all?
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:46 pm
by Isaac
I would think so; that's how Grimrock 1&2 usually work. (I have not really used the Steam version since the beta.)
** Be aware that in the event you have custom assets saved on the map, but for any reason they become un-defined... The map won't open until you re-define them, or manually remove all trace of them from the file Dungeon.lua, in the scripts folder.
Any undefined asset, or asset with missing or undefined pieces, will usually crash the editor when placed on the map; this can include case sensitive spelling errors.
Also: Usually a simple reload of the map will refresh the assets, but for some you must close and re-open the map editor to get the refresh.
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:52 pm
by Sorez
Isaac wrote:I would think so; that's how Grimrock 1&2 usually work. (I have not really used the Steam version since the beta.)
** Be aware that in the event you have custom assets saved on the map, but for any reason they become un-defined... The map won't open until you re-define them, or manually remove all trace of them from the file Dungeon.lua, in the scripts folder.
Also: Usually a simple reload of the map will refresh the assets, but for some you must close and re-open the map editor to get the refresh.
Ah, thanks for the help!
I tend to go crazy with my maps, since both my Grimrock 1 and 2 maps do some weird combinations of stuff from the main game to make something new

Now I can go crazy with custom assets!
And if you're curious, my two maps were The Tomb of Sorez 1 (LoG1) and The Tomb of Sorez 2 (LoG2)
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:57 pm
by Isaac
Sorez wrote:And if you're curious, my two maps were The Tomb of Sorez 1 (LoG1) and The Tomb of Sorez 2 (LoG2)
I'll look them up.
Custom assets are a lot of fun ~perhaps even the most fun.

If you happened to play the One Room Round Robin 2 (For LoG1), my room was the Foundry.
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:13 pm
by Sorez
Isaac wrote:Sorez wrote:And if you're curious, my two maps were The Tomb of Sorez 1 (LoG1) and The Tomb of Sorez 2 (LoG2)
I'll look them up.
Custom assets are a lot of fun ~perhaps even the most fun.

If you happened to play the One Room Round Robin 2 (For LoG1), my room was the Foundry.
I played a lot of maps in the past before making my first LoG1 map so I probably played yours!
I personally tend to go a bit crazy even with my first map so it does have a bit of unconventional stuff haha

I'm not that smart though so both of my maps dont have that good of puzzles and are more combat focused.
Sorry for the late reply by the way, the website wouldn't load for me for some reason!
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:27 pm
by Isaac
Sorez wrote:Sorry for the late reply by the way, the website wouldn't load for me for some reason!
The website seems under constant assault, and goes down sometimes more than twice a day now.
A screenshot of my room [custom assets]:
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:50 pm
by Sorez
Isaac wrote:Sorez wrote:Sorry for the late reply by the way, the website wouldn't load for me for some reason!
The website seems under constant assault, and goes down sometimes more than twice a day now.
A screenshot of my room [custom assets]:
Oh yeah I remember that! Im always amazed at the stuff you experts can make!
Re: Some Questions about Custom Tilesets
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:51 am
by Isaac
I assure you it was trial & error.
When I started that room, I had maybe a month's experience with Lua, and there was no Blender export plug-in...
The room was only possible because one member helped me with scripting, and another member wrote a model & animation export tool that could covert Blender & 3DMax output to native assets; (and another member helped him include animation support).