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Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:50 am
by minmay
So this started as a brief example dungeon to be released alongside the Grimrock 1 Mega Pack (a Grimrock 2 conversion of all the good Grimrock 1 assets, including tilesets, items, monsters, etc.) but it grew into something a little more than that.
And now I need testers for it, so reply if you're willing to do that.

- your name is Avenie
- you're an aelbinne. not the lord of the rings kind with racist connotations, or the dungeons & dragons kind where you only exist because of the game designers' sexual fantasies. the middle ages celtic or icelandic kind where you're a mysterious magical creature rarely seen by humans and you're not evil exactly but you probably steal children or something
- you didn't steal any children, but did disguise yourself as a human and then got arrested for political dissidence
- everything really just goes downhill from there

Features and screenshots with some spoilers (if a screenshot is cut off, click to view it in full):
- elevation support
- windows and stuff
- whatever this is
- some new mechanics
- combat
- oh yeah i guess i should mention that there are new animations
- i have just been informed that the picture above is not, in fact, an animation, but a still picture of a frame of an animation
- here's a crappy retextured slime instead because people really love crappy retextured slimes for some reason
- animated gears (if the gears in the picture don't appear to be animated, spin your head around)
- "perk" system
- an outdoor level that murders your computer 4x more than the outdoor levels you're accustomed to (really hard to take a screenshot of this that doesn't either look bad, or completely spoil things. i went with the look bad option)
- there are a lot of puzzles too but they don't make exciting screenshots so you'll just have to believe me when i say there are puzzles (there are puzzles)
- also included is TURBO MODE
If you like puzzles, spectacle, or hitting monsters fast and hard, you'll probably like this mod.

note: the portrait was posted on these forums, and I'm using it for now, but I haven't actually been able to trace it back to its origin; image searches have turned up this:
which is the highest resolution version I've found, but is also obviously not the original. So expect the portrait to possibly change.

If you want to help playtest the mod when it's in beta, reply to this thread. Requirements for testing are:
1. you have Grimrock 2
2. you can be trusted to not post anything about the mod in public (all bug reports and any other feedback should ONLY be given through pm)
3. you're willing to wait a little while (the mod isn't quite in beta yet)

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:10 am
by AndakRainor
Re-textured slimes are cool!!!

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:29 am
by akroma222
This has made my day! :D

Excuse my ignorance, I have not heard of the Grimrock 1 Mega Pack...
I was actually about to make some firm choices about which of the old wall sets to use for my mod
... seems like you have converted them all (all the good ones) over already?? :shock:
(once again, you are 10 steps ahead)

Some of the extra GUI touches look very cool too!
And best of all.... crappy retextured slimes :lol: 8-)

I will be in touch

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:53 am
by minmay
akroma222 wrote:Excuse my ignorance, I have not heard of the Grimrock 1 Mega Pack...
Well, that's because this is the first time I've mentioned it. The plan is to release it in tandem with Avenie, which will function as an example dungeon and a means of testing the pack.

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:19 am
by Eleven Warrior
Ok then Min imma in if you want a tester for this Dungeon. I would be very happy to do that for you :) I agree to all your terms to by the way np :)

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:37 am
by Eleven Warrior
Do you want my help or not Minmay??

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:04 pm
by bongobeat
I'm up for testing, no problem for the 3 rules.

to be sure, its a playable dungeon? not some tilesets to test?

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:01 pm
by minmay
Yes, it's a complete full-length dungeon.

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:53 pm
by bongobeat
ok then, just asking.

Ready to test! :twisted:

Re: Testers wanted: Avenie's Awful Adventure

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:57 am
Well - may I ask whats the state of this project?